Identify the Ideal Career Path With the Best Astrologer in Pickering

Are you unable to settle on a career path? Do you fear that the career you are pursuing is unsuitable for you? With apt guidance from the best astrologer in Pickering, you could feel confident about making paramount career decisions. Wondering how could astrology help you with such matters. See, we all are influenced by an amalgamation of astrological signs. A lot of people assume that their sun sign is the only astrological factor that influences their behavior and life choices. The truth could not be any further. Your sun sign is only one component of the plethora of astrological makeup that rules your life choices. This rings especially true when it comes to making decisions. Making choices is an introspective process. This part of your life is mostly ruled by your moon sign. Your Moon sign indicates how you feel internally. 

That is why you may notice that certain people with a particular sun sign behave completely differently from how their sun sign is supposed to act. Take, for instance, an individual's sun sign is ruled by Aries. Now, people with Aries in their sun sign tend to be very energetic people, They also crave to be in leadership positions. So, you would presume that Aries should be delegated to the positions of team leaders, managers, and CEOs. But, you could be very wrong in making that analysis. If the person in this hypothesis has Gemini ruling their moon sign, then it would not be ideal to place them in leadership positions immediately. Geminis tend to be very intellectual and analytical. They are also very communicative. But, they also tend to be mutable signs. So, they might be hesitant to take the lead. Hence, it would be better to delegate this person to the role of research analyst or even human resources as mentally and emotionally they are better suited for such roles. 

Best Astrologer In Pickering

Of course, as they gain more experience and confidence, their sun sign could help propel them to a leadership position. However, it is better to start in a field for which we have a natural talent, inclination, and aptitude. Now, that is what an astrologer can help you figure out. All they require is to scan through your birth chart. Your birth chart comprises information on the complete list of zodiac signs that rule you. This includes your sun sign, moon sign, ascendant sign, and various other indicators. An astrologer can gauge which zodiac rules your moon sign and point you toward a career path where you could truly thrive. Would you like to learn about what the ideal career path for you could be based on your moon sign? Keep reading to gain apt intel.

The Best Astrologer in Etobicoke Suggests the Ideal Career

The best astrologer in Etobicoke can analyze your moons sign can offer you the following career suggestions:

Moon in Aries

If your Moon is ruled by an Aries, leadership comes naturally to you. You love spitballing unique ideas and initiating new projects. Hence, it would be ideal for you to work in advertising or lead a marketing team.

Moon in Taurus

If Taurus influences your Moon, you will most likely be a very steady individual. You could be very good at manifesting things. Tangibility comes naturally to you. You should run a business, and invest in startups, and companies. 

Moon in Gemini

People with such signs tend to be very witty, curious, communicative, and fastidious. So, the field of research analysis, motivational speaking, or investigative journalism would be a good fit.

Moon in Cancer

People with Cancer in their Moon sign tend to be very caring, empathetic, and supportive. You could use this natural inclination to work in the field of holistic medicine. You could excel as a spiritual healer, therapist, nurse, or psychic.

Moon in Leo

People with such signs tend to have a flair for the dramatic and are naturally adept at creative expression. You could be great at conducting presentations in the boardroom or convincing venture capitalists to invest in companies. So, job titles like financial advisor, film producer, director, or even political pundit are all ideal for you.

Moon in Virgo

People with this sign on their moon tend to be very particular about their health. They also like being of service to others and working inconspicuously. A career as a public relations specialist or writer would be a good choice if you have Virgo as your Moon sign. 

Moon in Libra

People with Moon in their Libra Moon tend to be emotional and seek to strike an inner balance. You may be a natural at hosting, designing, and art direction.

Moon in Scorpio

If your Moon has Scorpio in it, you are quite passionate and observant. Your attention to detail is unmatched. You should try your hand at becoming an investigator, journalist, or lawyer.

Moon in Sagittarius

If your Moon has Sagittarius, you are quite natural at inspiring people. You have a penchant for guiding individuals to the right path. The ideal career prospects for you would be a teacher, counselor, or preacher.

Moon in Capricorn

Individuals with Capricorn on their Moon tend to be quite responsible, stable, and hardworking. From managerial positions and senior firm partners to junior positions at work, you would thrive everywhere.

Moon in Aquarius

You tend to be a visionary. Your perspective on matters is unique. The field of art and entertainment is where you would truly thrive.

Moon in Pisces

You are an idealist and very creative. You would thrive in creative careers like filmmaking, sound engineering, music producing, and graphic art designing. 

Looking for the best astrologer in North York to help you make career decisions? Bhavani Shankar Ji’s services are ideal for you.