
You can look at my publications on ADS here. Below you find a list:

1. (2023) Martocchia, S., Bastian, N., Saracino, S., Kamann, S. “On the origin of UV-dim stars: a population of rapidly rotating shell stars?”, MNRAS, 520, 4080M.

2.  (2022) Cadelano, M., Dalessandro E., Salaris M., Bastian N., Mucciarelli A., Saracino S., Martocchia, S. and Cabrera-Ziri, I. “Expanding the time domain of multiple populations: evidences of nitrogen variations in the ~1.5 Gyr old star cluster NGC 1783”, ApJ, 924L, 2C.

3. (2021) Martocchia, S., Lardo, C., Rejkuba, M., Kamann, S., et al. “On the Nitrogen variation in 2 Gyr old massive star clusters in the large Magellanic Cloud”, MNRAS, 505, 5389-5402.

4. (2020) Martocchia, S., Kamann, S., Saracino, S., Usher, C., et al. “Leveraging HST with MUSE: II. Na-abundance variations in intermediate age star clusters”. MNRAS, 499, 1200-1211.

5. (2020) Saracino, S., Kamann, S., Usher, C., Bastian, N., Martocchia, S. et al.  “Leveraging HST with MUSE: I. Sodium abundance variations within the 2 Gyr-old cluster NGC 1978”. MNRAS, 498, 4472-4480.

6. (2020) Martocchia, S., Dalessandro, E., Salaris, M., Larsen, S., Rejkuba, M. “Is Fornax 4 the nuclear star cluster of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy?”, MNRAS, 495, 4518M.

7.  (2020) Cabrera-Ziri, I., Speagle, J. S., Dalessandro, E., Usher, C., Bastian, N., Salaris, M., Martocchia, S., et al “Searching for globular cluster chemical anomalies on the main sequence of a young massive cluster”, MNRAS, 495, 375C.

8.  (2020) Bastian, N., Lardo, C., Usher, C., Kamann, S., Larsen, S. S., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Chantereau, W., Martocchia, S., et al. “Searching for multiple populations in the integrated light of the young and extremely massive clusters in the merger remnant NGC 7252”, MNRAS, 494, 332B.

9.  (2020) Saracino, S., Martocchia, S., Bastian, N., Kozhurina-Platais, et al. “Chromosome maps of young LMC clusters: an additional case of coeval multiple populations”. MNRAS, 493, 6060S.

10. (2020) Dalgleish, H., Kamann, S., Usher, C., Baumgardt, H., Bastian, N., Veitch-Michaelis, J., Bellini, A., Martocchia, S., et al. “The WAGGS project-III. Discrepant mass-to-light ratios of Galactic globular clusters at high metallicity”.  MNRAS, 492, 3859D.

11. (2020) Salaris, M., Usher, C., Martocchia, S., Dalessandro, E., et al. “Photometric characterization of multiple populations in star clusters: the impact of the first dredge-up”.  MNRAS, 492, 3459S.

12.  (2020) Kamann, S., Bastian, N., Gossage, S., Baade, D., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Da Costa, G., de Mink, S. E., Georgy, C., Giesers, B., Göttgens, F., Hilker, M., Husser, T. -O., Lardo, C., Larsen, S. S., Mackey, D., Martocchia, S., et al. “How stellar rotation shapes the colour-magnitude diagram of the massive intermediate-age star cluster NGC 1846”. MNRAS, 492, 2177K.

13.  (2019) Dalessandro E., Cadelano M., Vesperini E., Martocchia S., et al.  “A Family picture: tracing the dynamical path of the structural properties of multiple populations in globular clusters”, ApJ, 884L, 24D.

14.  (2019) Bastian, N., Usher, C., Kamann, S., Lardo, C., Larsen, S. S., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Chantereau, W., Martocchia, S., et al. “Multiple populations in integrated light spectroscopy of intermediate-age clusters”, MNRAS, 489, L80-L85.

15. (2019) Martocchia, S., Dalessandro, E., Lardo, C., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Bastian, N., et al., “The search for multiple populations in Magellanic Clouds clusters - V. Correlation between cluster age and abundance spreads”. MNRAS, 487, 5324-5334.

16. (2019) Chantereau, W., Salaris, M., Bastian, N., Martocchia, S., Helium enrichment in intermediate-age Magellanic Clouds clusters: towards an ubiquity of multiple stellar populations?”, MNRAS, 484, 5236-5244.

17.  (2019) Hollyhead, K., Martocchia, S., Lardo, C., Bastian, N., et al., “Spectroscopic detection of multiple populations in the ~2 Gyr old cluster Hodge 6 in the LMC”. MNRAS, 484, 4718-4725.

18.  (2018) Kamann, S., Bastian, N., Husser, T.-O., Martocchia, S., et al., “Cluster kinematics and stellar rotation in NGC 419 with MUSE and adaptive optics”. MNRAS, 480, 1689-1695.

19.  (2018) Vietri, G., Piconcelli, E., Bischetti, M., Duras, F., Martocchia, S., et al., “The WISSH quasars project. IV. Broad line region versus kiloparsec-scale winds”, A&A, 617, A81.

20. (2018) Martocchia, S., Niederhofer, F., Dalessandro, E., Bastian, N., et al., “The search for multiple populations in Magellanic Cloud clusters - IV. Coeval multiple stellar populations in the young star cluster NGC 1978”, MNRAS, 477, 4696-4705.

21.  (2018) Martocchia, S., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Lardo, C., Dalessandro, E., et al., “Age as a major factor in the onset of multiple populations in stellar clusters”, MNRAS, 473, 2688-2700.

22.  (2017) Martocchia, S., Piconcelli, E., Zappacosta, L., Duras, F., et al., “The WISSH quasars project. III. X-ray properties of hyper-luminous quasars”, A&A, 608, A51.

23. (2017) Duras, F., Bongiorno, A., Piconcelli, E., Bianchi, S., Pappalardo, C., Valiante, R., Bischetti, M., Feruglio, C., Martocchia, S., Schneider, R., et al., “The WISSH quasars project. II. Giant star nurseries in hyper-luminous quasars”, A&A, 604, A67.

24. (2017) Martocchia, S., Bastian, N., Usher, C., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Niederhofer, F., et al., “The search for multiple populations in Magellanic Cloud Clusters - III. No evidence for multiple populations in the SMC cluster NGC 419”, MNRAS, 468, 3150-3158.

25. (2017) Bischetti, M., Piconcelli, E., Vietri, G., Bongiorno, A., Fiore, F., Sani, E., Marconi, A., Duras, F., Zappacosta, L., Brusa, M., Comastri, A., Cresci, G., Feruglio, C., Giallongo, E., La Franca, F., Mainieri, V., Mannucci, F., Martocchia, S., et al., “The WISSH quasars project. I. Powerful ionised outflows in hyper-luminous quasars”, A&A, 598, A122.

Conference Papers (Unrefereed):

1. (2023) Martocchia S., Savino, A., Grebel, E.K., Lardo, C., Martell, S., Shetrone, M., Bastian, N., “Hunting Na-rich stars among N-rich stars in the Galactic Halo”, to appear in the proceedings of the “Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique” (Sf2A) 2023/2024.

2.  (2020) Martocchia S., The role of cluster age on the onset of multiple populations in stellar clusters”, IAUS, 351, 329M, 2020.

3. (2018) Cabrera-Ziri I., Martocchia, S., Hollyhead, K., Bastian N., Interpreting the complex CMDs of the Magellanic Clouds clusters”. Mem. S.AIt. 2018, 89, 24C.