Publicații rezultate în urma activităților din proiect

Székely, D., Cogălniceanu, D., Székely, P., Denoël, D. 2018. Dryness affects burrowing depth in a semi-fossorial amphibian, Journal of Arid Environments, 155:79-81.

Stănescu, F., Forti, L.R., Cogălniceanu, D., Márquez, R. 2018. Release and distress calls in European spadefoot toads, genus Pelobates. Bioacoustics. online first.

Székely, D., Székely, P., Stănescu, F., Cogălniceanu, D., Sinsch, U. 2018. Breed fast, die young - Demography of a poorly known fossorial frog from the xeric Neotropics. Salamandra. 54(1): 37–44.

Székely, D., Székely, P., Denoël, M., Cogălniceanu, D. 2018. Random size-assortative mating despite size-dependent fecundity in a Neotropical amphibian with explosive reproduction. Ethology. 2018.

Teză de doctorat finalizată

Székely, D. 2018. Life-history and behavioural adaptations to xeric environments in fossorial amphibians. Coordonatori: Prof. univ. dr. Cogalniceanu Dan (Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa), Dr. Denoel Mathieu (Universite de Liege, Belgia)

Manuscrise în preparare

Stănescu, F., Plăiaşu, R., Nae, I., Băncilă, R. I. Life history traits variation in Salamandra salamandra is a plastic response to cave environment. Salamandra. in prep.

Plăiaşu, R., Stănescu, F., Nae, I., Băncilă, R. I. Does the cave environment reduce fitness: a two-way approach, assessing body condition and fluctuating asymmetry of cave-dwelling salamander? Applied Herpetology. in prep.

Băncilă, R. I., Plăiaşu, R., Stănescu, F., Nae, I., Denoël, M. Exploration-boldness behavioral syndrome: epigean and hypogean in Salamandra salamandra. Animal Behaviour. in prep.