Stories and updates

We add new stories and updates every few weeks. Sometimes we're travelling, often there are cute moments to share and occasionally we run into some serious surprises.

What a blast!

7 January 2024

Priya's last exam day had a fiery ending  when her heating blanket decided it was time for a grand finale. The bed mattress caught fire, turning her room into a smoky . Along on the verge of blasting  of smoke all over the hostel too, With friends-turned-saviour , they convinced the authorities it was just a 'spicy study session with back pain issue .' Priya returned to a room that sizzled more than her exam stress, and luckily, the bill is still playing hide-and-seek. Lesson learned: Sometimes, even blankets crave a little adventure! 

Swedan!! Here I come 

13 January 2024

Tried ordering a 'fancy' drink at the Delhi airport lounge, but the bartender handed him a soft drink and a knowledge on age restrictions. Upon touchdown in Sweden, He realised that on Mid-flight, one suitcase decided to extend its vacation, leaving Peeyush but Somehow he made it to the first class in Sweden with just the essentials…