Get a Cash Advance on Your Credit Card: Is It a Good Idea?

Cash Advance on Your Credit Card

When you're in a pinch and need cash fast, you may be considering getting a cash advance on your credit card. While it may seem like an easy solution, it's important to understand the risks and drawbacks of this option before making a decision.

Higher interest rates

One of the biggest downsides to getting a cash advance on your credit card is the higher interest rates that are often associated with these transactions. These rates are often significantly higher than the rates charged for regular credit card purchases, which means you'll end up paying more in the long run if you carry a balance.


In addition to higher interest rates, credit card cash advances also often come with fees. These can include a cash advance fee, which is a percentage of the amount you withdraw, and a foreign transaction fee if you use your card abroad. These fees can add up quickly and make the overall cost of the cash advance even more expensive.

No grace period

Unlike regular credit card purchases, cash advances usually don't come with a grace period, which means you'll start accruing interest on the amount you withdraw as soon as it's posted to your account. This means that even if you pay off the cash advance right away, you may still end up paying interest on the amount you withdrew.

Limited availability

Not all credit cards allow cash advances, and even if yours does, you may be limited in how much you can withdraw. This means you may not be able to get the amount of cash you need, or you may have to pay multiple fees if you need to take out multiple cash advances.

Impact on credit score

Finally, it's worth noting that taking out a cash advance on your credit card can have a negative impact on your credit score. This is because it's viewed as a sign of financial strain and may indicate that you're having trouble managing your finances.

Also Read: How to Get Money Fast?


While getting a cash advance on your credit card may seem like an easy solution in the short term, it's important to carefully consider the risks and drawbacks before making a decision. There are often better options available, such as taking out a personal loan or using a debit card instead. It's always a good idea to explore all of your options and choose the one that will be the most cost-effective and least risky in the long run.