AT for Language Teachers

Source: Sanako

Assistive technology specifically designed for language learning

While we have seen many technologies that teachers can implement into their classrooms for language learning, we have seen very few assistive technologies designed to assist the teacher specifically in the language learning classroom. That's why we thought we would highlight this company and this technology. Welcome to Sanako Connect.

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) are the beating heart of most online educational platforms. But we recognize on some level that learning management systems can't teach everyone every skill. While it is great to watch a video on CPR, hands-on practice is needed – especially so with language. Individuals can consume a slew of foreign media and perhaps can pick up a few words in the language. But actual proficiency will require training, interaction, and feedback from another interlocutor both in a written and oral format. Most LMSs cannot provide that level of detailed feedback on the four skills necessary for language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Is there a learning management system which could do this better, allowing instructors to give focused feedback on language production? Yes, there is. As an ESL educator of 10+ years who has taught through the pandemic, I’ve tried numerous LMSs, and there is one which does tick all the boxes.

.... Sanako Connect.

Source: Sanako

The master track
targeted correction

Source: Sanako

As a language LMS, Sanako can do things other LMSs cannot.

  • It creates individual classrooms for instructors to teach in

  • It allows the combination of audio, still image, video and text all in one exercise if necessary

  • It allows both oral and text-based submissions.

  • It allows oral practice so students can listen to a Master Track recorded by a teacher, and then practice with the Master Track directly above their own recordings.

    • Students can then replay their own audio while simultaneously listening to the Master Track and choose to re-record if they are unsatisfied with their initial submissions.

    • Instructors can mark this audio work directly on Sanako Connect, specifically highlighting and commenting ( either with oral comments or written comments) at the specific time frames where the students make mistakes

Join us for some learning!

As part of our activities, we'd like you to try out this program with a few quick language exercises

Use the QR code (yes, it works on mobile too!) or click the following link to drop in as students in our course! No need to use your real names, but we encourage you to try out the exercises.


So, why did we choose an example of Japanese language learning and specific examples for hotel staff?

In the year 2022 ( where we are right now), we are at the tail end of the Covid-19 pandemic ( supposedly). If this is correct, then one of the major options that has been denied or restricted to consumers over the past 3 years from now have become readily available - unrestricted international travel.

The travel industry was hit particularly hard during the pandemic. Staff who generally deal with international travelers have probably become a bit rusty in their language skills - possibly being laid off entirely or entering into new career fields. Staff need to be hired/rehired. This is a training/ business opportunity for companies like Sanako.

Rather than attempting to hire a language expert locally to train staff, Sanako can offer virtual language training overseas, complete with commentary and feedback that can happen within 12 to 24 hours. Hotel-chain staff at multiple locations across the world can upgrade their skills at a fraction of the cost of what it would take to hire trainers locally. If synchronous training is needed, Sanako does have virtual classrooms that are available. Theoretically, hotel staff could sign up for various time slots that are convenient for them outside of work hours to receive their English qualifications. This combines the ubiquity of mobile learning and the advantages of asynchronous learning with a powerful economic opportunity!

Source: Sanako