Assisted Living Facilities

Types of activities for the elderly in Denver CO

According to the Center for Aging Studies at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, the key to successful aging is maintaining satisfaction and quality of life through daily activities. Whether they are social or physical activities, arts and crafts, or volunteering, they are essential to give meaning and purpose to the lives of seniors. In addition, activities can be easily adapted to meet the physical, emotional and mental needs of all seniors and their environment, whether living independently or in a nursing home.

· Social

Social activities allow seniors to meet new people while preventing feelings of isolation. Ideas for social activities include family and friends visiting, going out for coffee or a meal, joining a reading club, or taking a class at an elderly center or community college. A trip to a local art gallery or museum can also help older adults have fun and socialize with others.

· Crafts

Arts and crafts encourage older adults to express themselves and develop their creative side. Arts and craft activities should not be complex, and include ideas like making greeting cards, painting, sewing or knitting. For those who do not possess the fine motor skills needed to complete a complex activity like knitting, try painting or making a collage. Teaching the young skills of the people they have can also be a nice activity for the elderly.

· Physical

Attending regular sessions of physical activity has many benefits for older adults. Besides improving muscle strength and mobility, physical activity circulation helps digestion and appetite and promotes a better quality of sleep. Ideas for low-impact soft physical activity include swimming, yoga, tai-chi, gardening and walking. Dance or aerobics classes can provide a more robust session. This is also a great way to socialize and make new friends.

· Volunteering

There are many opportunities for seniors to volunteer to share their knowledge and experiences. The Grandparent Foster program, for example, is open to anyone over the age of 55 and gives older adults the opportunity to support and mentor young children in their area. The National Park Service is just an organization that is always looking for volunteers to staff information offices, assist at events, or give a guided tour. If you are looking for an Assisted Living in Denver CO, then visit Stacys Helping Hand, Inc for a Free Consultation.