Asset declarations of public officials are a powerful tool to prevent corruption, detect illicit enrichment and conflicts of interests. According to the World Bank, more than 150 countries have introduced asset disclosure requirements for their public officials.

Many of these countries make asset declarations available for public scrutiny. Public access to declarations multiplies their anti-corruption value, as civil society and journalists often play a crucial role by uncovering irregularities and triggering formal verification of declarations by anti-corruption/asset declaration agencies. This will be important in Ukraine where there is a vibrant civil society and media.

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In Wypych v. Poland (October 25, 2005, application no. 2428/05), the European Court of Human Rights rejected the complaint of a local council member in Poland who refused to submit his asset declaration claiming that the obligation to disclose details concerning his financial situation and property portfolio imposed by legislation was in breach of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

The Law is based on the previous anti-corruption legislation that also provided for declaration and publication of a broad scope of personal data, introducing new types of data to be disclosed, including information on cash savings, valuable movable assets and beneficial owners of property.

The 2014 Law provided the foundation for building a highly effective asset declaration system. It sets a clear legal basis for collection and publication of personal data in asset declarations. The Law explicitly states what information is public. The Law also states what data should be kept confidential and the Personal Data Protection Law duplicates these provisions.

The chart below (from recent research by the World Bank) shows that Ukraine is not unique in this regard and that 70 percent of countries in Europe and Central Asia, as well as 97 percent of OECD high-income countries require mandatory public disclosure of information in asset declarations.

Not all countries have the same approach towards publication. Some make public the entirety of the declaration (except for information such as ID number or date of birth). Others keep several categories of information confidential. In other cases, the declarations of high-level officials are made public, while those of low-level officials are kept confidential. Many countries make available the asset declaration information online and the number of countries publishing declarations online is constantly growing.

Some have questioned the scope of information that is required in asset declarations. The comprehensiveness of the disclosure requirements in Ukraine matches the objectives of the disclosure system, which is to identify both unjustified variations of wealth and conflict of interests. Recent World Bank research shows that many other countries require the same categories of information as in Ukraine. See the table below for the categories of information disclosed in asset declarations.

It is also common that information about assets of family members is included in declarations of public officials and disclosed to the public. Family members typically include spouses and minor children.

The Ukrainian law on asset disclosure is comparable with other countries in the region both in terms of the scope of the information declared and its approach towards public access. While public access can raise valid concerns, the benefits outweigh the costs and any interference with privacy rights in the declaration is proportionate to the public interest. Online disclosure of public declarations has been introduced in many countries and is essential if public servants are to be held to account. 006ab0faaa

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