
Victoria Abou-Khalil
ETH Zurich

Victoria is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Project-Based Learning at ETH Zurich. She studies the effects of technologies on learning, learning in low-resource settings, and the effectiveness of project-based learning.

Andrew Vargo
Osaka Metropolitan University

Andrew is a research assistant professor at Osaka Metropolitan University. His research is focused on ubiquitous sensing technologies and learning augmentation.

Rwitajit Majumdar
Kyoto University

Rwitajit is a senior lecturer at the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University. His research interests include technology-enhanced learning environment design, Learning Analytics, and studying human-data interactions in educational contexts.

Michele Magno
ETH Zurich

Michele is a senior scientist at ETH Zurich and the head of the Center for Project-Based Learning. Additionally, he is a guest full professor at Mid University in Sweden. The key topics of his research are wireless sensor networks, wearable devices, machine learning at the edge, energy harvesting, power management techniques, and the extended lifetime of battery-operated devices.

Manu Kapur
ETH Zurich

Manu holds the Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and directs The Future Learning Initiative (FLI) at ETH Zurich to advance research on the science of teaching and learning in higher education contexts. Manu conceptualized and developed the theory of Productive Failure. 

Program Committee 

Andrew Vargo (Osaka Metropolitan University)

Mei-Rong Alice Chen (Soochow University)

Mondheera Pituxcoosuvarn (Ritsumeikan University)

Rwitajit Majumdar (Kyoto University)

Victoria Abou-Khalil (ETH Zurich)