Bloodlines features a few new assassination techniques and weapons. Weapons from the previous game are also present, such as Altar's sword, his hidden blade, throwing knives, and his fists. Assassinations are also similar to the first game, although the animation has been toned down to better fit the system. A new, yet very minor assassination technique has been added to the game, allowing Altar to pull opponents off of ledges, similar to Assassin's Creed II.

Story missions and assassinations were simplified and straightforward. As a replacement for eaves-dropping and pick-pocketing, missions are structured similarly to Assassin's Creed II, with Altar handling one task after another and slowly gathering vital information from both his allies and enemies as each mission is completed.

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Once there, he learns of the presence of Armand Bouchart, who has succeeded Robert de Sabl as Grand Master of the Templar Order. Altar gains the assistance of a resistance movement on Cyprus opposed to the presence of the Templars, who, after purchasing the island from King Richard, have formed a repressive government to control the land and its people. He also learns of a Templar "archive", a trove of Templar knowledge and artifacts, hidden somewhere on the island. True to the way of the Assassins, Altar manages to both locate the archive and free Cyprus from Bouchart's grip, after assassinating all of his underlings: Frederick "the Red"; Moloch "the Bull"; Shalim and Shahar "the Twins", and the Dark Oracle "the Witch". Eventually, Altar confronts Bouchart himself inside the archive, whose contents have been evacuated and relocated by the Templars, and kills him as the archive begins to collapse, although Altar manages to escape.

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines contains similar, if not the same, gameplay to Assassin's Creed in terms of control style, although there were modifications to the control scheme. Some features from the previous game, such as the Eagle Vision, the Gentle Push, and horseback riding were removed from the game. Blending is now only used to safely bypass guards, as Altar can no longer blend with scholars as a means to hide. High and low profile assassinations can still be done in the game, in addition to the new ledge assassination.

Story missions and assassinations have been redone. Previous ways to gather information, such as pickpocketing and eavesdropping, were removed from the game. As a replacement, missions were played in the same structure as Assassin's Creed II, with Altar handling one task after another and slowly gathering information from both his allies and enemies as each mission was cleared.

After successfully rescuing the men at Kyrenia's harbor, he was able to learn that Maria was taken away by Moloch's son, Shalim. After liberating the resistance members, Altar regrouped with Markos to report of the men's status. With the uncertainty of the Oracle's mysticism, Altar decided to explore the Oracle's supposed prison at Buffavento Castle. There, he overheard Bouchart and Shalim, who made mention of a delivery to Alexander, which Altar believed to be a sign of treachery. Dwelling further into the castle, Altar located the Oracle and had to assassinate her in her cell, as she attacked him in a crazed frenzy, before he left the castle.

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines doesn't get it. On the surface, it offers many of the features you'd want from an Assassin's Creed game on the PSP. It puts you in control of Altair, the first game's nimble protagonist, and sends you on a mission to assassinate your Templar enemies, who are equally eager to plunge their swords into you. If you delve a little deeper, however, you'll find that Bloodlines skimps on what makes the console games so special. The joy of rooftop running has been diminished by flawed platforming and smaller environments, bustling cities have been replaced by barren districts on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, and AI problems render the stealthy approach all but irrelevant. Bloodlines still delivers the brief bloody thrills you get from a well-timed counterattack, but on the whole, it is a neutered and unsatisfying adventure.

The combat is more successful, though it isn't without its troubles. Engaging other enemies locks you onto your target and initiates an unhurried skirmish that will be familiar to Assassin's Creed fans. Combat isn't difficult, but it's still satisfying to pull off a successful counterkill. During a well-timed counter, Altair will spin about, the camera will zoom in, and he'll slice his sword across his target's neck or jam it into his chest. At first, it's a bloody treat, but the action gets tiresome. This is partially because there are too few stealth elements and missions to balance it out and partially because enemies seem to spawn out of nowhere to join the fray, which makes individual encounters drag. Some of the final kills also frustrate. In some cases, an enemy will fall to the ground, giving you the chance to hit the square button one last time and make a particularly gory example of his treachery. Unfortunately, the move doesn't always work, and your sword will just clip right through him if he's begun to stand back up. If you want to avoid full-on combat, you can take the sneaky path and silently stab unsuspecting guards or leap onto them for a high-profile hidden-blade assassination. Like standard combat, assassinations are initially enjoyable, thanks to the dramatic close-up and metallic sound effect that accompany them. But while Assassin's Creed wasn't known for groundbreaking AI, the guards in Bloodlines are out-and-out stupid. Some will wander past battle, while others will fail to notice a high-profile assassination occurring directly in front of them. Thus, kills with your hidden blade are just as unsatisfying as standard combat.

The missions tying all of these disappointing elements together are fine: timed deliveries, chases, key assassinations, and so on. However, the level design and flawed mechanics often interfere. For example, one timed chase mission is made frustrating by imprecise platforming; in other cases, the restrictive level design makes it tough to figure out what route you must take to reach your destination. Boss fights enliven things somewhat--pitting you against tougher enemies that require a bit more strategy--but not so much that they provide much challenge. Outside of story missions, you can climb towers, make a leap of faith into a hay bale beneath, and rescue besieged citizens, but the world isn't big enough and the cities aren't full enough to make these tasks feel particularly enjoyable. A few scholars and citizens wander about, but this world doesn't feel lived in, so you can't blend with crowds because there are no crowds. Thus, Bloodlines buries the series' concept of social stealth and does little to make up for the loss.

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines features a basic level-up mechanic in which you can spend the coins you find scattered about the world on upgrades like extending your synchronization bar or increasing your chances of a critical hit. But this feature is poorly implemented, forcing you to leave the game and return to the main menu if you want to spend the coins outside of the predesignated intermissions. It's just one more clumsy element that makes Bloodlines feel like a by-the-numbers spin-off that not only fails to deliver an experience worthy of the franchise, but also fails to be very good on its own terms. If you were hoping for a bustling world of agile assassins and testy Templars to fit in your pocket, Bloodlines will disappoint you.

So on their own they perform low level feats such as blending into a crowd etc, with the left shoulder button held they control the camera angle and with the right shoulder button held they perform high risk feats such as climbing/assassinations etc. It sounds more complicated than it is! ?

In this action adventure game, set in the 13th century, players' goal is to stop the evil Templars from using supernatural artifacts to control the world. This goal is to be accomplished through assassination. As players roam the open-world environment of Cyprus, they undertake tailing missions, they join the local resistance, and they assassinate ranking members of the Templar order. Short blades, hidden blades, swords, and daggers are used to battle these soldiers. When blades connect, a dark blood mist appears as soldiers groan or scream; though the effect is brief, the blood sometimes trails the path of the exiting blade. The finishing moves during sword fights represent the most pertinent instances of violence: soldiers and pirates are impaled in dramatic fashion (e.g., focused penetration of the head, neck, and chest); realistic flesh-impact sounds and spurts of blood accompany these kills. While stealth-kill sequences (i.e., not the sword fights) are notably bloodless, they often depict the stabbing, impaling, and neck-snapping (mostly from behind) of unarmed adversaries.

If there are two areas in which Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines exceeds expectations, however, surely the second is that Gryptonite Games has built a series of openworld levels with very small loading times separating them, and that you can traverse each of them in much the same way you can in the PC and console versions. What's more, the frame-rate is good and there's a surprising amount of detail: your flowing assassin uniform, the vines, haybales, civilians, etc. Did I mention the chickens?

The important things to bear in mind are that Altair is a medieval assassin, he's basically king of the assassins at this point, and he's off to Cyprus to sort out the evil Templar knights, who are trying to recover their power after his crushing one-man smackdown at the end of the first game.

You will find some bugs and many imperfections

Keep in mind that this is a school project, and we didn't have the time to finish it properly. We would have liked to improve some parts of the prototype like the AI, the assassination system, the parkour or the cinematic system. 17dc91bb1f

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