Editorial Board / Governance

  • The journal must have an editorial board, which is reflective of expertise in the relevant subject area(s), and with diversity of members beyond a single institution.
  • The journal must list the full names and affiliations of editorial board members on its website.
  • Members should be appointed competitively for a specific term.
  • Board members must be qualified to contribute to and assist the Editor-in-Chief to achieve the best strategies and policies for the journal.
  • The composition of the board must be reviewed regularly.
  • Submissions from editorial board members must be handled with extra confidentiality and attention so as not to compromise the peer review process.
  • Editorial board members must be given clear guidelines on their role in the journal and their expected duties.

Role of Editorial Board:

  • Advise and support the editorial team from time to time regarding the operation and quality of the journal contributions.
  • Review occasional articles that fall within the expertise of the board member when requested.
  • Encourage colleagues and peers to submit suitable articles.
  • Make suggestions to the editor(s) of suitable articles, authors and reviewers.
  • Help to promote the journal through personal and professional networks, including social media and at meetings.
  • Provide prestige to the journal.
  • Respect confidential journal information and ensure it is not inappropriately circulated.
  • Accept that the Editor’s decisions on publication or otherwise are final.