It's actually even weirder than that, because I've reinstalled Windows a couple times on this machine, was originally using legacy BIOS and just switched to UEFI boot. It's on a threadripper and I was misled to believe that AMD's virtualization support in windows would be really slow and buggy with UEFI-CSM. In reality the only difference I've noticed (aside from the ASRock branding on windows boot screen) is that little wifi radio toggle utility just refuses to die now. The downloads page for the motherboard provides a bunch of (slightly old) drivers for the chipsets and modules, but actually the wifi connector utility is definitely installed by the Intel WLAN driver package, which installs PROset and stuff. SO it's kind of weird but I guess Intel allows the OEMs to make their own, branded packages. Anyway, each time I've installed windows I've used the official media creation tool so I'm pretty sure it's all starting from the same Windows 10 image, and each time I've selected Windows 10 Pro. Back when I was using legacy boot, I didn't have this problem. The wifi connector was installed the same way and started on boot, but because its shortcut was actually in shell:startup. So I just removed it obviously. But this time it's not in my user startup folder (and I'm the only user), nor is it in the system startup folder ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"), and I've looked through every single task in task scheduler and every single service and there's nothing that seems remotely related to asrock or a wifi connector utility. As far as I knew, the only way to make a program boot on startup is to put it in a startup folder, create a scheduled task, create some background service, or modify some major system files which I can't imagine ASRock's official intel WLAN drivers would do. Anyway, all I know is the executable itself is at "C:\ASRock\Wifi\WiFiConnector.exe". The utility is totally redundant because it only provides an on/off switch, the same radio on/off switch that you can toggle in the UEFI. So of course one option is to just delete the executable itself I guess, but considering that it seems to be starting up on its own, I'm a little spooked. Normally I'd just knee jerk delete it but I just recently had to clean install windows because of a teeny little decision like that. So I feel like doing my due diligence before getting rid of it. I guess I'm also a little worried there's some script out there in the aether that's calling it at startup, and then if I delete it, I'll just get nonstop error dialogs about a missing target. As for the program it's just a tray icon, and right clicking it brings up a context menu with ON, OFF, and CLOSE. Closing it doesn't cause any problems, nor does leaving it open. By the way it doesn't even have a regular start menu shortcut. So if it didn't start up automatically you'd only be able to find it at C:\Asrock.

Asrock Wifi Connector Utility Download

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