
September 21st 2021 - Times are Central European Time (CEST)

14:00-14:05 Opening

ASP modulo Theory and Ontologies

Session Chair: Michael Morak

14:05-14:35 Martin Gebser (Invited Talk, slides)

Where Difference Logic Makes The Difference: Applications of ASP modulo DL

14:35-14:50 Spencer Killen and Jia-Huai You (slides)

Fixpoint Characterizations of Disjunctive Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases

14:50-15:05 Haya Majid Qureshi and Wolfgang Faber

An Evaluation of Meta-reasoning over OWL 2 QL

System Descriptions and Implementations

Session Chair: Susana Hahn Martin Lunas

15:15-15:30 Pedro Cabalar, Rodrigo Martin, Brais Muñiz Castro and Gilberto Pérez

aspBEEF: Explaining Predictions Through Optimal Clustering (preliminary report)

15:30-15:45 Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Anna Rapberger, Johannes P. Wallner and Stefan Woltran

ASPARTIX-V - A Solver for Argumentation Tasks Using ASP

15:45-16:00 Thomas Eiter, Markus Hecher and Rafael Kiesel (slides)

aspmc: An Algebraic Answer Set Counter

Knowledge Representation

Session Chair: George Bargiannis

16:10-16:40 Pedro Cabalar, Martín Diéguez, Susana Hahn and Torsten Schaub (Invited Talk, slides)

Automata for dynamic answer set solving: Preliminary report

16:40-16:55 Giovanni Amendola and Giovanni Rotondaro

Modeling Clique Coloring via ASP(Q)

16:55-17:10 Andreas Brännström and Juan Carlos Nieves

Modelling Human Mental-States in an Action Language following the Theory of Planned Behavior

Probabilistic and Epistemic Extensions of ASP

Session Chair: Johannes K. Fichte

17:20-17:50 Mario Alviano and Arnel Zamayla (Invited Talk, slides)

A speech about Generative Datalog and Non-measurable Sets

17:50-18:05 Stefania Costantini

Top-down Splitting Property for Epistemic Logic Programs

18:05-18:20 Shutao Zhang, Zhizheng Zhang and Jun Shen

Answer Set Programming with Epistemic Defaults

Methods and Algorithms

Session Chair: Wolfgang Faber

18:30-18:45 Akihiro Takemura and Katsumi Inoue

Gradient-Based Supported Model Computation in Vector Spaces

18:45-19:00 Rachid Adrdor and Lahcen Koutti

Asynchronous Forward-Bounding algorithm with Directional Arc Consistency

19:00-19:05 Closing