Angela Song, M.S.


[Image Description: This "bubble graph" was designed to be a job aid and features instructions for Accessibility Office student workers. The textboxes (bubbles) contain text and between the textboxes are arrows indicating the correct sequence of the text, which  reads as follows: "Start". "Welcome Student". "Give student information sheet and registration procedure checklist". "Does student have disability documentation?" "No". "Give student a documentation request form to fill out and sign and retain". "Yes". "While student fills out sheet, prepare label and new file". "Briefly explain procedure to student". "Collect info sheet and documentation of disability and put info into file". "Is director available?"  "No". "Check schedule and make appointment for student, then give director's card with appointment details". "Welcome them again and say goodbye". "Place student file in "incoming students" file in director's office and close door". "Return to station"." Stop". "Yes". "Escort student into director's office, give file to director". "Welcome student again to the department and close office door". "Return to station". "Stop".]
Advertisement for baby sign language classes.
[Image Description: On the right side of the image, a baby wearing glasses, a bow tie and a business shirt is laying on top of an open book. On the left side of the image, text reads as follows: "Baby Sign Language", "Bilingual Babies are Smarter Babies!" "Asheville Community Center", "July 17, 2019 @ 8-12". "Bond with Baby!" "Learn Together!" "Have Fun!"]
[Image Description: This image is an infograph that has text boxes  in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are arrows between the text boxes to indicate the correct sequence of text. The header is titled "How to Communicate with a Deaf Person". The text reads as follows: "Face the person directly". "Speak in a normal tone of voice - no shouting"! Next to the text, on bottom left, is an emoticon holding a megaphone and shouting. Next textbox reads "Maintain eye contact" and under this text is a bird with wide eyes staring straight ahead.  Next textbox reads "Use facial expression to show emotion and tone". Next to this textbox is another emoticon with a wide mouth and frightened expression. Next, "Paraphrase if message is not understood". Next, "Enunciate!" Next, "Fingerspell if you don't know the sign". Above this textbox are two hand shapes spelling the ASL letters I and T. Next is "Be patient". Then, "If all else fails pencil and paper and/or messaging or texting back and forth works too". Next to textbox are small images of a phone and a computer with text bubbles reading "Hi!" and "What's Up?" Last image reads "Be yourself!" Next to textbox, at bottom right, is an emoticon holding a bouquet of flowers and smiling.]