Amir Soleimani

Ph.D Candidate (2018-2024):

Language Technology Lab (LTL)
University of Amsterdam (UvA)

Email: A.Soleimani.B {at},
                A.Soleimani {at}

Personal Page:

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I am passionate about AI because it aids humans in processing complex and large amounts of data. I am an NLP researcher received academic and self-training to continuously learn new knowledge and skills. I like facing new challenges and using my experience to find creative and effective solutions. I am highly skilled in research and problem-solving, from defining problems to collecting data, employing existing and new methods, and proposing innovative solutions. I am capable of working independently while also being committed to collaborating and contributing effectively as a team member.

I am a PhD candidate at Language Technology Lab (LTL). I worked on the application of Language Models with Christof Monz and Marcel Worring. My research interests are Language Representation Models, Document Understanding, Document Summarization, Question Answering, Question Generation, Factuality Evaluation, and Claim Verification.



Teaching & Supervision:

Student Supervision: