Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

Kazla, Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh

Office: 2nd Floor, Academic Building-1

Cell: +8801927961896

Email:  asmb.kanon@gmail.com, asmb.kanon@ete.ruet.ac.bd


A. S. M. Badrudduza was born in Kishoregonj, Bangladesh in 1993. He received his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) and Masters of Science (M.Sc) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Kajla, Rajshahi-6204, in 2016 and 2019, respectively. 

From 16 September 2016 to 22 July 2017, he was a Lecturer with the Department of EEE, Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET), Rajshahi. From 23 July 2017 to 29 June 2020, he was a Lecturer with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE), RUET. Since 30 June 2020, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of ETE, RUET. He has been affiliated with IEEE, since 2020. He is an active reviewer for several IEEE journals, transactions, and conferences. He has authored/co-authored over 30 international transactions/journals/conference publications. His research interests include physical layer security in multicast, cellular, and cooperative networks, wireless communication, reflecting intelligent surfaces, unmanned aerial vehicles, and machine learning. 

Mr. Badrudduza was a recipient of two 'EEE Association Awards' (Student of the Year Award) from RUET for his outstanding academic performances in the 1st and 4th-year examinations while pursuing his B.Sc engineering degree and three 'The Best Paper' Awards for three different research papers from IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2020), IEEE 3rd International Conference on Telecommunication and Photonics (ICTP 2019), and International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE 2023).