Episode I

"The sun sets on all things when it is their time. Just as dusk is a natural part of the day, so too is death a natural part of life. But there's no need to be afraid; any questions or concerns you may have about the end of your days are welcome here on Asking Anubis...

Asking Anubis is your advice hotline for all things afterlife. Today we are helping an anonymous caller who is concerned about his relationship with his brother."

"Suspicious Sibling, how is the sun shining on you today?"

"It's rather dark today, Anubis."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you mean as in your sun is setting or you're just troubled?"

"I'm simply quite troubled. As I mentioned, I don't have the best relationship with my brother. With either of my siblings, really."

"I see. Yes, family relations can be quite tricky. As you know, however, this show is focused around end of life problems and I'm really only qualified to provide advice about that topic. Are you struggling with anything surrounding that?"

"Not exactly, but I do think that you specifically would be able to help open some doors for me, Anubis."

"Is that so? I'm wondering how that might be."

"Well, I'm making a coffin as a present and I was hoping you could answer a couple questions for me."

"That's a very strange present, but I suppose I can help. What do you need to know?"

"I want to make it a very impressive, fine-looking coffin. What sort of materials do you think would really stand out and make someone want to get in it?"

"Uh... well, I suppose wood is a pretty typical material, but if you're really wanting to impress, then granite is definitely the way to go. That's the only material you'll really need, but it's the decoration and treatment of the material that matters. Make sure to hire only the best craftsmen, and the more detailed carvings they can inscribe, the better."

"That's very helpful. Thanks, Anubis. I'll be sure to show you the finished product."

"No problem! Well, I guess that did end up being in my area of expertise anyways. Just out of curiosity, why do you need such an impressive coffin?"

"Oh, you know, the same old reason. Gotta impress some folks at a party."

"Aren't there easier ways to do that?"

"No, I think this really is the best way. Very effective."

"If you say so. You do sound familiar, too. Perhaps we met in a past life."

"Or even this one."

"Wait, do I know you?"


"Hello? Are you there? Well, folks, it looks like we dropped the signal, and now it is time for the sun to rise again and for our show to end. Today's call was rather strange, but I hope you've learned something from it anyways. I'm Anubis, and I'll see you next time on Asking Anubis."

Author's Note

This episode draws from Set and Osiris's history from Egyptian mythology. The specific myth discussed in this episode describes how Osiris's brother Set schemes against him and finally succeeds in overthrowing his brother from the throne after many attempts to do so. Previously, Isis (Osiris and Set's sister and Osiris's wife) had managed to stop Set, but this time she was absent. At a party celebrating Osiris's recent victory in battle, Set tricks Osiris into getting into the coffin, and his followers nail the coffin shut and send it down the river. This story is sort of the explanation of how Osiris became lord of the underworld, as Set kills him and eventually Osiris ends up in the underworld and begins ruling.
In my story, the events are told from Set's perspective, as I thought it would be interesting to sort of flip the story upside down and hear about events from Set instead of from a neutral perspective that favors Isis. I also really wanted to start this storybook off on a more personal note for Anubis, so we have the ability to peer a little bit more into his own life before reading about his radio chats with characters from other cultures' mythology. Although this story is just a little glimpse of Egyptian mythology, I thought it would provide at least a little background and a good jumping off point for the storybook.


"The Death of Osiris" from Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie.If you're curious about the origin story for this episode, you can read it here.
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