Deep down, this is a question about what we value, in what we read, what we write, and unfortunately, we have attached a set of values to student writing that are disconnected from anything we actually value about what we read, and what we write.

The students were not lazy or entitled. They were responding rationally to the incentives of the system. An A without learning anything was far more valuable than learning anything, and risking a grade lower than an A. School had nothing to do with learning, and writing courses especially were unlikely to be interesting or engaging.

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It\u2019s important to understand what ChatGPT is, as well as what it can do. ChatGPT is a Large Language Model (LLM) that is trained on a set of data to respond to questions in natural language. The algorithm does not \u201Cknow\u201D anything. All it can do is assemble patterns according to other patterns it has seen when prompted by a request. It is not programmed with the rules of grammar. It does not sort, or evaluate the content. It does not \u201Cread\u201D; it does not write. It is, at its core, a bullshitter. You give it a prompt and it responds with a bunch of words that may or may not be responsive and accurate to the prompt, but which will be written in fluent English syntax.

The only two windows I have open are rhino and chrome. nothing else, no dialog else where. rhino wont allow me to input anything so how can it be waiting for an input it wont accept? If thats what youre saying, is my best case to just task quit the program? and if so is there a way to reload an unsaved file from task quitting it?

@fddc @Diogo Ribeiro i use the workflow every day and it's working correctly, i really have no idea what that problem is. You could try removing all the workflow configuration (see attached file) and remove everything inside ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfred.calculateanything once everything is removed make sure to download the latest version from ReleasesĀ  biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything (

Lawyering up often brings clarity to a situation, even when all the information was already available and the lawyer barely needs to do anything. Their mere presence changes the perception of the problem, moving it from a distraction to be dismissed to something that actually needs to be dealt with.

Yeah Audrey a whack-a-doodle but has relatively limited effect, but HR can have already seriously affect numerous employees over an extended period. How can any CHRO trust anything this HR department has told an employee or taken action on? LW, unlike 99.99% of employees, got a lawyer and really kept pushing. What other employee was refused legitimate benefits or protections by this incompetent HR.

Well I tried AGAIN anddddddd refunded again. So am I just never allowed to buy anything on Etsy again like? They won't do anything about it when clearly there is an issue. I've spend 400$ now trying to get these items, some have already been marked as shipped, and I have to wait to get refunded now. Has anyone dealt with this???

No I've spent 400$ trying to get these items, etsy keeps canceling my orders and they don't refund you right away, so you have to wait 2-5 days. And some items have already been marked as shipped because I think the seller sent them out in the brief window that I made an order before it was canceled. I do want these items, that's why I keep trying to order them but am being completely stonewalled by etsy and their support won't do anything about it.

I purchased an item for my shop with the credit card on amazon and it went through, so I don't think it's the card I think etsy may have flagged the card and they need to unflag it, which may make it so even as a guest I won't be able to get the items, but thus far I've not been able to get them to do anything but tell me "oh, just try again!" I'm definitely going to check if these sellers have websites, I really want to support them!

This got me wondering. When do you want write function that doesn't return anything? Isn't it always good to return something even though it might be get used? How do you work with function that doesn't return anything.

\u201CI should be in university,\u201D she said. But her life\u2019s work is activism. \u201CI have no choice,\u201D she said, her voice breaking on the phone. Each day, Baig said, she\u2019s fighting to secure the world\u2019s future. And she wants to know, in this critical moment: are you doing anything to help secure hers?

Made these and they turned out perfect and they went to the downtown homeless shelter. I hated unwrapping the caramels, best do that before starting anything because it is time consuming. Can you freeze these goodies once baked?


I used to say mixed-race, but I try to avoid it now because I don\u2019t like the word \u2018race.\u2019 I usually just tell people that I\u2019m half-French, half-Vietnamese as a shortcut, but I\u2019ve come to realise that I\u2019m not half of anything. I\u2019m fully French and I\u2019m fully Vietnamese at the same time.

I'm also having an issue where I can't see anything in the composition panel. I followed your suggestion and went to the Lynda tutorial, and did exactly what the guy was saying, but as soon as I clicked new composition and set the parameters and 'OK', things went awry. The guy on the tutorial says sth like, "As you can see we have a new compostion with nothing in it..." And yet he has a black square that I assume is the actual composition / screen size he's selected for his output -- I, on the other hand, have absolutely nothing. I then tried to create a solid shape, thinking maybe if I put that in the composition it would spring to life, but still nothing...any idea what might be going on? I have all the latest nVidia drivers, and have tried toggling Mercury / Cuda on and off to no avail.

I love anything with blueberries. I made this cake last weekend with fresh wild blueberries I picked up on a hike. It was a hit. I used only 3/4 cup sugar and it was sweet enough for our taste. Next time I will also cut back on oil.

I really do used them for anything. I work outdoors and travel a bunch. These have held up and are extremely comfortable on all my adventures. Only pants I wear and have several colors. Quality product as always e24fc04721

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