Google Search not working

Google search not working

Is Google search not working for you? I've had issues with my Google search a number of times. You get some text in a search bar, and nothing else. Sometimes it will have a link to something else, other times you just don't get any results. You can use the following steps to see if your Google search is working for you. The steps are explained in reverse order of what should be done.

First, do a Google search on the issue that you're having. Make sure you enter a few different keywords that might be related to the problem you're having. Once you've found a few pages that may help, it's time to download a PC optimizer. Some programs may need you to install them to your computer first, but most of them are freeware and should be no problem.

Once you've downloaded the PC optimizer, run it and then follow the on screen instructions. Once the process is complete, look at the "Results Found "Details Found" screens to see if your problems are resolved. If you are still not getting results, download an antivirus program and run it again. You may need to delete any programs that you have already installed before running this software. It's a good idea to have a backup program, just in case.

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