Graduate Student Mentees:

3rd year PhD Candidate, EE, Stanford: Memory technology, Low-resistivity Interconnect 

Mentored achievement(s): 

(i) Xiangjin Wu and Asir Khan's new work on superlattice materials for a 'universal' memory is described in a Stanford School of Engineering news story (2024)

X. Wu*, A.I. Khan*, H. Lee, C.-F. Hsu, H. Zhang, H. Yu, N. Roy, A.V. Davydov, I. Takeuchi, X. Bao, H.-S.P. Wong, E. Pop, "Novel Nanocomposite-Superlattices for Low Energy and High Stability Nanoscale Phase-Change Memory," Nature Commun. 15, 13 (2024)  [*Equal Contribution]

(ii) Best Poster Award at Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium NVMTS 2022

(iii) Publication featured on the Cover of IEEE Electron Device Letters.

X. Wu*, A.I. Khan*, P. Ramesh, C. Perez, K. Kim, Z. Lee, K. Saraswat, K.E. Goodson, H.-S.P. Wong, E. Pop, "Understanding Interface-Controlled Resistance Drift in Superlattice Phase Change Memory," IEEE Electron Device Lett. 43, 1669-1672 (2022) (Featured on the Cover) *Equal contribution

(3rd year PhD Candidate, EE, Stanford): Novel contact materials for p-type 2D semiconductors

Mentored achievement(s): 

L.H. Hoang, A. I. Khan, R.K.A. Bennett, A.J. Mannix, E. Pop, “Topological Weyl Semimetals for P-Type Contacts to Atomically Thin Two-Dimensional Materials and Methods of Integrating the Same” US Utility Patent, Application Number: 63/572048 (2024)

Summer REU (Stanford) Mentees:

Coauthored a paper on phase-change memory: X. Wu*, A.I. Khan*, H. Lee, C.-F. Hsu, H. Zhang, H. Yu, N. Roy, A.V. Davydov, I. Takeuchi, X. Bao, H.-S.P. Wong, E. Pop, "Novel Nanocomposite-Superlattices for Low Energy and High Stability Nanoscale Phase-Change Memory," Nature Commun. 15, 13 (2024)  [*Equal Contribution]

URAP (UC Berkeley) Mentees:

Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (UC Berkeley):  2024-Present 

Zayna Lateef (EECS, UC Berkeley), Eric Gediman (EECS, UC Berkeley): Materials development and measurement for spin-orbit-torque memory

Overseas Masters and Undergraduate Student Mentees:

     Mentored achievement: 

Best Paper Award Nomination at 82nd IEEE Device Research Conference 2024.

S.B. Hamid*, A.I. Khan*, H. Zhang, X. Wu, A.V. Davydov, E. Pop, "Energy-Efficient Spiking Neural Network Based on Ge4Sb6Te7 Phase-Change Memory Synapses," IEEE Device Research Conference (DRC), Jun 2024, College Park MD

Mentored achievement:  

A.I. Khan, T. Chakraborty, N. Acharjee, and S. Subrina, “Stanene-hexagonal boron nitride hetero-bilayer: Structure and characterization of electronic property," Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 16347.


Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

·       EE 323: Energy in Electronics (Teaching Assistant for Prof. Eric Pop)                Spring 2022-2023

·       EE 284A:  Internet of Things (Teaching Assistant for Prof. Fouad Tobagi)         Spring 2021-2022

TA Course Evaluation at Stanford:

EE 323 Energy in Electronics (Spring 2022-2023)

Teaching Effectiveness: Mean: 4.73/ 5.00  Median: 5.00/5.00

EE 284A  INTERNET of THINGS (Spring 2021-2022)

Teaching Effectiveness: Mean: 4.04/ 5.00  Median: 4.00/5.00

Stanford SPLASH (2021-2023):

Designed and offered a course titled ‘Engineering Nanomaterials for Energy-efficient Computing’ for 11th and 12th-grade students.       

Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (2016-2018)

Theory Courses: EEE 263 Electronic Circuits, EEE 259 Electrical and Electronic Technology, EEE 165 Basic Electrical Technology

Laboratory Courses: EEE208   Electronics Laboratory, EEE264   Electronic Devices and Circuits Sessional, EEE 274  Basic Electronic Devices and Circuits Sessional, EEE206   Energy Conversion Laboratory, EEE 106  Electrical Circuits Laboratory, EEE428   Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory, EEE 426  Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory, EEE 402  Control Systems Laboratory, EEE 212   Numerical Technique Laboratory