
- 2009. Ph.D. (European Doctorate) Universidad de Burgos (Spain). Thesis title: Paleobiological studies on the vertebral column and thorax of the Pleistocene human fossils, with special reference to the fossils from the Sierra de Atapuerca (in spanish). Supervisors: J.M. Carretero and J.L. Arsuaga.

-2006. Universitary Expert, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (Spain). Advanced Methods of statistics (350 hours).

- 2005. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Paleontology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

- 2002. B.Sc. in Sciences. Section: Geology. Concentration: Stratigraphy/Paleontology. Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.