What is the goal/mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters?

Founded in 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC (BBBS of NYC) is the nation’s first and the city's largest youth mentoring organization. Our vision is that all youth achieve their full potential. Our mission is to build and support mentoring relationships to ignite the biggest possible futures for youth. Our work is guided by our values: 

By matching a caring adult mentor, a Big, with a New York City youth, a Little, we are inspiring the next generation of leaders. Through our one-to-one mentoring, Workplace Mentoring Program (corporate engagement), affinity groups, College & Career Success Program, Bigs in Blue, and other community partner programs, BBBS of NYC serves over 2,500 youths annually across all five boroughs. 97% of our Littles are promoted to the next grade, and 93% of our Littles are accepted into college. 

Is Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC, separate from Big Brothers Big Sisters?

BBBS of NYC is an affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA). Each branch operates independently as the needs of each respective community are different. All affiliates follow National guidelines in terms of branding and general practices. 

Donations made to BBBSA will go to the larger federation, unless specifically designated to BBBS NYC. For the NYC locality all initiatives should come directly through BBBS of NYC, unless a National partnership is requested from a corporate partner.

How can I be involved without being a Big?

Join an affinity group! Affinity groups support a specific community or focus area in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC community. These volunteers support our work through fundraising, building awareness, serving as brand ambassador, or general event support. Another great way to get involved is to attend our events and share them with your network.

What affinity groups does BBBS of NYC have?

How often does AMC meet? 

AMC meets at least once a month for approximately 1 hour. When planning large events (i.e. Night Market), 1 extra meeting per month may be added.

How do I get involved with AMC as a standard member? 

Volunteer to support an event, design assets for social media, drive awareness for recruitment or fundraising efforts. There is no set requirement for standard membership. Attend a monthly meeting to learn how you can help.

Who can join AMC? What kind of people would be good to recruit?

AMC members are passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of AAPI youth and supporting their development. 

Do I have to be Asian to join AMC? 

You don’t have to be Asian or Pacific Islander to join AMC. In some cases, non-AAPI identifying members are/were mentoring AAPI youth.

Where does AMC fundraising money go towards?

Funds raised go directly to the New American Program (NAP). These funds help fund translation services, outings, educational workshops and activities, staff training, volunteer application costs and staff capacity. 

When was AMC established?

The Asian Mentoring Committee (AMC) was first established in 2010.


Where can I get more info about being a Big or Little?