
Invited at Heidelberg Laureate Forum, 2019 (with outstanding young scientists in mathematics and computer science) (link)

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरा

गुरुर्साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः

Guru (Teacher) is Brahma, the Lord of Creation, also called Generator. Guru is Vishnu (Vishnu is the Organizer), and Guru is Maheshwara (Shiva or the destroyer). Guru is Parbrahma, the Supreme God. I am what I am because of my teachers.

This gallery also includes very known Professors, Scientists, Laureates (e.g. Turing Award, Abel Prize, Fields Medal etc winners) who have done very nice in their fields and inspired us to do the same. At the same time my supervisors who really helped me a lot during my career. They have changed the world with inventions such as AES Encryption, Public-key cryptography, Game Theory and Artificial intelligence. These pictures do not need any introduction if you are from the same field, but I have added some information.

Our coordinator Prof. Jens Myrup Pedersen (Aalborg University) (A wonderful human being)

My supervisor Prof. Anwar Hasan (University of Waterloo, Canada). A great Professor.. (Link)

Steffen Jorgensen, Tamer Başar‬, Eitan Altman and other Game Theory Scientists

at Grenoble, France

With Prof. Whitfield Diffie (Link) at Germany

Central European Conference on Cryptology, Poland

With Prof. Georges Zaccour and Michèle Breton at Grenoble, France

With Prof. Joan Daemen and Sakshi (Link) at Croatia

Games, Dynamics & Optimization Conference(GDO) at Vienna, Austria

With Prof. Richard E. Stearns (Link)

With Prof. Gregor Leander and other research group

With our wonderful Indian friends

International Conference on Security and Cryptography (Secrypt), Madrid, Spain

With Prof. Caucher Birkar

Central European Conference on Cryptology at Smolenice, Slovakia

Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), Germany, 2019

My Supervisor Dr. Gautam Srivastava from Brandon University, Canada (Link)

HLF 2019, Germany

Central European Conference on Cryptology at Smolenice, Slovakia

With Prof. Stephen Smale (Link)

My second PhD Supervisor Prof. Josef Pieprzyk, Australia (Link)

With Prof. Raj Reddy (Link)

My PhD Supervisor Dr. ‪Paweł Morawiecki (Link)

from Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland