Soft white sand beach, between mountains

Inspiring Journey with Bamboo

Ash is a Creative Art Director and Product Designer, Inspired by beauty of nature, Photography, Architecture and Media production. 

Leaving rat race behind in the City

Seeking Simplicity in Nature- 2011

He had studied classical archeology and architecture, at the same time had experienced the common standard city life in corporate jobs during the study and after, but after 2011 revolution ,  had a  thought  to leave the city of Cairo  behind for a while or good, dissatisfied with the rat race, lack of trust and communication in the big city. and his destination was Basata Ecolodge, located in South Sinai on gulf of Aqaba. Looking for more simple pace of lifestyle. And then when the magic happened.

1 km away to reach destination

Bamboo Huts on the beach

Basata Eco lodge Concept

Basata is an eco-lodge that succeeded to create a unique form of tourism that has a relatively low impact on the surrounding environment and the native inhabitants, the Bedouins.

It has an underlying philosophy of trust, community, environmental protection and cultural understanding, that follows the definition set by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) that an eco-lodge is:

“ A nature-dependent tourist lodge that offers the tourist an educational and participatory experience, and is developed and managed in an environmentally sensitive manner. ”

The lodge and its underlying philosophy are constantly evolving and developing organically according to the environment and guests requirements.

Simple construction with bamboo

He admired Bamboo eco-constructive concept and the way they are used to build stunning huts that against all kind of harsh dry weather out there, not only this but it’s used also for a lot of serving accessories and lighting. And here when he started to feel the shining light of green gold, and had to learn more about it as the most renewable plant on earth.

Bamboo & Basata

Therefore, it focuses greatly on building material, unique architecture, solid waste management, and responsible tourism, and here comes the Bamboo.

Each hut is uniquely designed, simply and pleasantly decorated. All have raised bamboo beds.

Discovering skills

Observing capturing mediating collecting special beach stones to have his daily drawing and doodling activity on.

Bamboo Crush

Where it all started the need for some serious craft tools, more than pens and colors

Replace - Restore - Recycle

Every few years, some bamboo constructions are due to restoration and to replace with new bamboo, some of the removed parts are really has not other way but using to make a firecamp at night,, and the rest are still entitled to recycle for different decorative uses. And here comes the next step.

Tools are handymen’s favorite toys

He decided to get some handy tools to start discovering a new dimension of product application with bamboo to recycle use.

A daily beautiful sunrise reflects lighting and shades obsession to observer, this is one conclusion that everyone can admit. Bamboo creations takes lighting beyond new levels in design

New born giveaway


In order to expand abilities in prototyping and more bamboo production, He made a set up for a roof top work space with more new tools in Dahab after few years, as he has been learning more about bamboo specs and the various ways of its treatment. 

New horizon what more can do with bambo

Spreading Bamboo art work publicly 

Events, restaurants, cafes, hotels and lodges. And a weekly Bazar for display.

More Production to display weekly

2019 Back to Cairo on a mission of executing a larger scale of production and projects

New workspace setup, testing colors and painting with different production lines

300 m square of Bamboo cladding, lighting setup, table accessories, and more customized brand theme bamboo ite

2 levels store with total of 80 m square fully designed, furnished and decorated with bamboo

2020 Bamboo against pandemic

This when bamboo didn't fail to sustain working from home, with more time to enhance digital skills and analyse your own self performance and activi

Pack tools, and head to the most exotic island I have seen – Giftun Island. Located in the middle of the Red Sea, Giftun Island is a paradise for your eyes and soul. 

200 poles 

336 parts

532 meters

478 hours

11 compositions

50 days mission

Cosmetics brand commercial summer bags to promote  products in a natural theme with bamboo, used the small cut shapes of slices and managed to come up with various designs for bags, the process of make was well organized and and planned, the mass number encouraged to train more hands and manpower to speed up the process, it was one if the the project that mostly played a good role with women to be an important part with finishing the job perfectly.

These bags have projected the next idea with not only the power of the cincept idea, but also in terns of material abondance, a big number of various shaped pieces will be waiting to shape another design prespective.

Infinite shapes utilization

Bamboo reflection on my today, tomorrow and the days after

Since his addictive hobby is Handcraft, so he is on non stop journey of learning and practicing various skills and tools , allowing Bamboo and other recycled materials specially wood, to create unlimited ideas for inspiration, first aim was transforming passion with skill to a concept brand : ASHOLOGY Creativity Zone.

For the past almost 7 years he has been drawing on experience in ecofriend product designing and prototyping to implement  more green direction with sustainability and climate change social reactions.