
Graduate School Activities

Virtually volunteered first-ever online conference, SPLASH 2020, the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity. 

UnderGrad Activities

One week of training on ML using Python. (me in the third from left with my colleague SUNIL SAPKOTA in white stripe tee 2nd from last row and respected faculties from different colleges of Karnataka.)

Technotsav-2018 (me in the middle)

Posing with colleagues after successful Tech-fest(Technotsav-2018). (me, standing 6th from left)

Posing with colleagues after successful Tech-fest(Technotsav-2018). (me, standing 6th from right)



On Mirakee, Collection of random poems and free verse by me.
*only avail in mobile app. (miraquill app)