Ashley M. Clark


I received my PhD at the University of Rochester in the Center for Visual Science and Brain and Cognitive Science Department.  I received my B.S. in Biology from Keene State College, where I worked as a lab manager and instructor in the Health Sciences department.

I currently work in the Active Perception Lab under Dr. Michele Rucci and Dr. Martina Poletti as a post-doc. In order to explore the question of how we visually interpret our surroundings, our lab studies the psychophysics, neuroanatomy, and movements of the eye. Fine spatial vision relies almost entirely on a 1° region of our retina known as the foveola - just the size of your index fingernail at arms length. By studying the relationship between active perception and microscopic eye movements, I hope to learn more about how this small foveal region plays such a critical role in central vision and high acuity tasks in both the healthy and patient observers.

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Social media provides an outlet for sharing information casually and regularly with the general public. 
I often post about things happening in the lab, research I find interesting, and overall good-vibe content.