Strength & Weakness

I believe my strength as a student is my ability to keep an open mind, collaborate, and work with people and a weakness of mine as a student would be focusing on one task too for too long. My strength as a teacher is relationship building with my students and their families. I believe it takes a village to help and support students, having their families involved in what lessons they are learning will help the student reach their full potential. A weakness as a teacher would be spending too much time on a lesson and not being able to fit all of my lessons in for the day. Once I begin teaching Earth science I believe one of my strengths will be connecting the learning from the lesson throughout the school day. One thing I'm nervous about teaching Earth science is forgetting to relay important information about the lesson, due to getting caught up on a different part of the lesson.

If this was a graded class I would be reaching out for an A. I want to be able to support my student to my best ability and I am working hard to reach this goal. I believe I will be able to asses my growth in this class by working with my professor and peers throughout this this semester and becoming more comfortable with Earth science, I will be more confident sharing out.

I enjoyed learning about ungrading and discussing the benefits from ungrading. I believe that ungrading is a great tool for teacher. When you know you are not working towards a specific letter grade, I believe you can focus more on the students understanding of the material instead of the students just memorizing the material and taking a test. I look forward to using this method when i begin teaching in the classroom.

Mid term reflection

Where do you think you have exhibited your personal strengths in this class?

I believe my personal strength in this class so far has been my ability to not get discouraged by the obstacles going on in my personal life.

Where do you think you are weakest?

My weakest area has been my time management. I haven’t not been able to dedicate as much time as I need to into studying the material before coming in for our lecture and lab.


I do not feel that I have reached my goals yet, but I am positive that the current changes that I am making will help me reach and maintain if not surpass my goals. I do feel that I am present when in class and I try to add to the conversation when we have group, peer, and class discussions. I have currently been spending about five hours or so a week on just focusing on this class and meeting with my teaching group. I believe I need to devote more time to studying and preparing for this class, so that I will be more confident with the information that I will be teaching to my future students. Looking at my work in this class so far, I would give myself a B, there is definitely room for improvement, and I know if I dedicated more time to focus on the material, I would have a better understanding and help me to facilitate lesson better. I plan on having a set time to study and try and comprehend the material, adding weekend study sessions as needed, and to reach out for more help if I need support.


I feel like my comfort level has increased with teaching earth science since the beginning of the semester. My confidence grew after my teaching group taught our 15-minute lesson and receiving feedback from the class. I feel like the eportfolio is going to be a wonderful resource for earth science when I have a classroom. I feel like I could dedicate more time into adding activities, lessons, and ideas to it so that I will have a good variety of activities to choose from.

I really enjoy the flow of the class and I feel like this class is really preparing me to have my own classroom.

Final Reflection

Class/Teacher Interaction

1. For what percent of our classes were you present for?

I was there for about 75-80 percent of class.

2. When you think back to your presence in class, what percent of the classes were you actively participatory in? (ie. not on your phone, talking, sleeping, etc.)

I believe that I participated each time I was in class. I gave my attention to the professor or whoever was speaking and I tried to contribute to each conversation.

3. How many hours a week (on average), outside of class, did you study for/work on this class?

Around three to four hours on average per week.

4. How many times during the semester did you directly interact with me on an individual level? (ie. coming and asking questions, getting clarification, an inbox message, etc.)

I believe I interacted with you serval times throughout the semester. I am very thankful for your kindness during one of the modt difficult times of my life.

5. How do you think that your participation with the class and me may have impacted your knowledge and growth in this class?

I feel like my participation added different outlooks to our conversations and made each one hopefully more meaningful.

Practice work

1. How many of the practice work assignments did you get a "complete" on?

I received a complete on all but one lab!

2. How many of the practice work assignments did you get an "incomplete" on?

All my labs received a complete.

3. How many of the practice work assignments did you not attempt?

I attempted all of my practice work assignments even if I was not present in class.

4. How many of the assignments that you did submit were submitted on time? (usually 1 week)

Almost all assignments were submitted on time , aside from one assignment.

5. When you look at those numbers above and your knowledge of topics, how do you think that your participation with the practice work impacted your knowledge?

I believe my practice work and participation help to reinforce the material we learned in class. I also believe the time we had to work in small groups helped with learning the material as well.


1. How soon into the semester did you get your eportfolio url created and submitted to me?

I created my eportfolio url and submitted it when it was due.

2. How many objectives did you get submitted and receive feedback on throughout the semester?

I submitted all the objectives and received feedback on my whole overall eportfolio.

3. How many objectives did you complete within the last 3 weeks?

Within the las three weeks I had to created 9 resource pages.

4. When you look at the answers above and your final product, how do you feel your eportfolio turned out and the impact that the answers may have had on its quality?

I feel I wish I would have been able to add a few more resources to the objectives.

Overall class

1. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what are you most proud of accomplishing during your time in this course?

I am proud of all of the work I did this semester, but I am most proud of the group teaching that I was apart of! We all had something different to add and we always managed to add some fun and laughs.

2. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what is it that you most wish you could change or do differently?

I wish I could have dedicated more time to certain objectives and asked a few more questions while we reviewed the objective.

3. When you look at the overall class, the entire semester, what final grade would you give yourself based on your current knowledge of the class objectives?

I would give myself a B+, because there were a few times I fell behind due to personal issues going on in my life, but I was able to catch up and I feel I have a good understanding of the objectives we learned.

4. Do you think that your grade would match the grade I would give you? Why or why not?

Yes, I think the grade you give me will match because I attend class regularly, have a good understanding of the objectives and have different ideas of how I can teach my future class the objectives I learned in this class.

Final Thoughts

1. Any last thoughts/reflections/comments on your personal work/participation/growth in this class?

I really enjoyed this class and l feel like I learned a lot this semester. I really like that I had the opportunity to work with different groups in the class and receive feedback from the whole class when going over a lesson. I really liked a chance to practice teaching with my peers and gain knowledge from them.