Ashish Kundu

IEEE Fellow

Head of Cybersecurity Research, Cisco Research

akundu[at], LinkedIn, Google Scholar DBLP 

"The final reward for any researcher is to see his or her lifetime of work extend beyond academia and laboratories, into the mainstream of our global society where it can breathe hope into the world. " - Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi, Nobel Banquet Speech, 2010. 

Ashish Kundu is currently Head of Cybersecurity Research at Cisco Research. Ashish is an IEEE Fellow.  He has also worked as:  Co-founder and CTO at Ciphense, Head of Cybersecurity at During 2011-2019, he worked as Research Staff Member,  and Master Inventor and at the IBM T J Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York.  He has led the Research and Development efforts for Security and Compliance for IBM Watson Health Cloud, IBM Watson Education and IBM Watson Genomic Analytics.  Dr. Kundu served on the IBM Research AI Ethics committee during 2015 - 2016. Dr. Kundu received Ph.D. from Computer Science at Purdue University  and then he joined IBM T J Watson Research Center after that. He has been affiliated with CERIAS.  Ashish is an ACM Distinguished Member, an ex-ACM Distinguished Speaker, and a Master Inventor (at IBM Research).  

Research Interests

Dr. Kundu's research interests are  in Security, Privacy and Compliance: 

Publications & Inventions 

Selected Awards & Honors:

Selected PC/Editorial Services: Please consider submitting your best work to the following venues.

Recent Selected Publications (full list: DBLP)

Machine Learning, AI, Security






Contributions and Impact:

Some of his primary contributions to the scientific community are the development of  leakage-free redactable signatures, discovery of security issues in programming languages, such as buffer overflows due to vulnerabilities in the “placement new” expression in C++, development of several cloud security and compliance techniques. During his research work, Ashish has established the areas of "privacy-preserving digital signatures, and data integrity techniques".

GCC released a patch based on the  paper on Placement new vulnerabilities in C++ [Kundu & Bertino, IEEE ICDCS'11]. 

Dr. Kundu's research work has directly and indirectly influenced several products and services. He is the security and compliance research lead for IBM Watson Health Cloud Platform. He has been the research lead for security and compliance for IBM Watson Genomics, and IBM Cognitive Learning for Education Cloud Platform. His prior work has also gone into IBM Hybrid Cloud offerings as well as to IBM Everyplace Access toolkit.