Participation in public outreach projects

Year: 2024

Elisa Nespoli. Invited talk by Elisa Nespoli for the "XXX Jornadas de Astronomía" of the Planetarium of Castellón, titled: "Pirotécnia celestial: explorando el universo violento". March 2024.

Year: 2023

Joan Climent. Three participations in the TV program "Som de casa" on Apunt, to present results from his Science paper "Evidence for a radiation belt around a brown dwarf" and further research findings, between October and December 2023.

Lorena Nieves. Public Talk: "Where Do I Live in the Universe?", delivered in March 2023 to IES Liceo Caracense in Guadalajara (Castilla y León).

Year: 2022

Elisa Nespoli. Public talk: "Sobrevivir a una explosión de supernova: estrellas masivas con compañera compacta. El telescopio James Webb: como el telescopio más complejo concebido por el ser humano revolucionará nuestro conocimiento del universo", 26/03/2022, Agrupación Astronómica de Castelldefels.

Elisa Nespoli. Preface for "Un paseo por el Universo", book by Matías Alonso dedicated to astrophotography, including a collection of 120 original images of the Cosmos. ISBN: 9798211922846. Link to the publication.

Fátima López. Public talk on the International day of women in Science, 03/02/2022, IES Bajo Aragón

Year: 2021

Vicent Martínez Badenes. Published book: "La Astronomía en 100 preguntas", Ediciones Nowtilus. ISBN: 9788413951345. Link to the publication.

Pere Blay Serrano, Elisa Nespoli. Science advisors for the permanent astronomy and space exploration exhibition at the Roque de Los Muchachos Visitor Center (La Palma, Canary Islands).