Australasian Software Engineering Summer School (ASESS) 2024

30 January - 1 February 2024

at UNSW, Sydney, Australia

A Software Engineering summer school of talks and activities for graduate students in Australia and New Zealand


Following on from the success of ICSE 2023 held in Melbourne we will host the Australasian Software Engineering Summer School (ASESS) for the Australasian market encompassing universities in Australia and New Zealand. The Summer School will be co-located with the annual Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW) 2024. The event will take place from 30 January - 1 February 2024 at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia.

The objective of the summer school is to bring together graduate students to help them improve their skills in the area of software engineering research and to learn from SE experts in the region. Given the location of Australasia it is not as easy for students to attend SIGSOFT conferences throughout the world due to the long distances required to travel. Hence a regional event with world class regional experts coming together to help spread the knowledge in the SE research community will help benefit and grow highly skilled professionals in the Australasian region. The target audience of the summer school will be students in PhD and Masters programmes at universities in Australia and New Zealand, as well as other countries in the region. 

The Schedule will include world class Speakers from Australasia and worldwide. See the Organizers of the event, and details about the Venue. The event is sponsored by ACM SIGSOFT, Google, and Software Innovation New Zealand. 


Student Scholarships

For students, places at ASESS are limited please RSVP. If you are a PhD / Masters - Higher Degree Research Student (HDR) student at an Australian or New Zealand university and would like to attend please RSVP to apply for a scholarship (Deadline closes: 15 December 2023). If successful the scholarship will offer free registration, with complimentary access to the ACSW event. We may also accept some undergraduate students too.

Faculty, Industry, ECR

For Faculty, Industry, or Early Career Researcher (ECR) please register via the the ACSW registration system:

If you are a Faculty member or from Industry and would like to attend and give a talk, please get in touch with one of the Organizers. 


Accommodation options are available via the ACSW website:


Day 1

Talks, Lightning Talks, Posters Session, Social Dinner

Day 2

Talks, Speed Career Advising, and Conference Banquet

Day 3

Industry talks, Industry Panel 


The goal of this event is to bring graduate students and academics in software engineering together from across the Australia and New Zealand regions. 

Students will listen to world class speakers on software engineering topics and get to network wtih the academic and industry communities

(in alphabetical order)

Aldeida Aleti
(Monash Uni)

Automated Testing of AI-based systems

Steve Blackburn
(Google / ANU) 

Programming Languages 

Kelly Blincoe
(Auckland Uni)

Inclusivity and Diversity

Étienne Borde
(Canterbury Uni)

Model Driven
Software Engineering 

Software Engineering Competencies

Jens Dietrich
(Victoria Uni of Wellington)

Program Analysis 

Matthias Galster (Canterbury Uni)

PhD Journey

Mengmeng Ge (Canterbury Uni)

Security for IoT

Mike Godfrey
(Uni of Waterloo)

Software Evolution

Rahul Gopinath
(Uni of Sydney)

Software Engineering and Fuzzing

John Grundy
(Monash Uni)

Empirical Software Engineering

Sherif Haggag
(Adelaide Uni)

Cyber Security

Adrian Herrera

Software Security

Agile Software Development

Patrick Lam
(Uni of Waterloo)

Program Analysis

Tim McNamara

Rust Programming Language

Mobile Software Security

Liming Zhu

DevOps in Responsible AI

Didar Zowghi

Requirements Engineering for Responsible AI


The ACSW and ASESS 2024 events will take place at UNSW in Sydney, Australia
Details to follow.


We thank the following organizations for gracious sponsorship and supporting the event: 

If you are a graduate student
please RSVP to attend!