Daily Disco

A creative series

I've done for some time, week in a row 👀

Some Bacchus vibes :p


CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] Political leaders are always drawn a bit idealized...

PERCEPTION [Challenging: Success] ...but you can still see his lazy eye if you zoom just enough.

SHIVERS [Legendary: Success] Un bar aux...

CONCEPTUALIZATION [Challenging: Success] The furies are at home...

PERCEPTION [Easy: Success] 20 reál.

CONCEPTUALIZATION [Challenging: Success] As cryptic and intriguing, as expressionism itself.

RETHORIC [Medium: Failure] You mean expressivism?

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] No.

PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Easy: Success] Slow waves are crashing the shore. Howling wind makes wooden planks creak. You hear aseagulls squawk above you.

CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] Ocean eternally rages against the land. But land endures. Still.

EMPATHY [Medium: Success] As do the people. Still.