Middle School Transformation

In partnership with schools, families, and the community, Allentown School District is committed to the transformation of middle schools.

The future of our world is in our classrooms today.

What is Middle School Transformation?

Middle School Transformation empowers schools by ensuring the conditions they need to improve student learning.

Allentown School District recognizes the critical role of central office in supporting schools. In some cases, schools have the necessary conditions (people, time, money, and program) to improve student learning. In other cases, schools do not. ASD is committed to ensuring the necessary conditions, both in policies and practices, for schools to improve.

In order to empower schools, Middle School Transformation is dependent upon the collaboration of schools, families, community partners, business leaders, and Allentown School District. While each middle school has unique strengths and challenges, there are also commonalities across all four schools. Matching the right resources to schools based on needs is a critical component of Middle School Transformation.