An ivory plaque in Munich with such a scene is usually dated around 400, and is possibly the earliest Ascension image.[8] This was to remain the most common type in the West for several centuries, and for example is repeated in the Drogo Sacramentary some 450 years later (see gallery). The crucifixion scene is virtually unknown in the 5th century and rare until the 6th century. By the 6th century, however, more images of both the Crucifixion and the Ascension began to appear, perhaps as a result of the theological discussions of the late 4th and early 5th centuries.[3]

The Rabbula Gospels (c. 586) include some of the earliest images of the Crucifixion and Ascension, and in their Ascension depictions the Virgin Mary occupies a central position among the Apostles;[3] Christ appears in a mandorla above, accompanied by angels. This was to remain the standard Byzantine and Eastern Orthodox depiction.[8]

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The Ascension of Jesus is not the only depiction of ascension and other figures, such as John the Evangelist, have been separately depicted as ascending to Heaven, following a medieval story in the Golden Legend.[1] The name of the Assumption of Mary indicates that this was a passive transit; depictions in art often show her being carried up on a cloud by angels.

Please join us for a forum series exploring the power of images (including language) to shape our self-understanding, our faith and worship, our commitment to justice, our vision of wholeness, our relationship with God and more. The series will be led by the Ascension clergy, and guests.

Patients with aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and other problems with vessels within the brain can now be treated with the latest neuro imaging. The technology makes possible 3-dimensional angiography, a kind of X-ray is used to see blood flow in blood vessels located in the brain. The system includes a number of digital flat-screens both inside and outside the operating area capable of producing cross-sectional images of the brain, like a CT scan. This dramatically improved view reduces operating time and subjects patients to less radiation, fewer injections of contrast dye, and lower likelihood of complications.

Similar to a CT scan with intravenous (IV) contrast, computed tomography angiography converts images into a 3-dimensional replica of the organs and vessels that can be scanned to evaluate for any problems in structure and/or function.

A computed tomography (CT) scan is a diagnostic test that uses specialized X-rays to take images of vital organs, tissues and vessels in the body. In some instances, iodinated oral and/or IV contrast can be given to enhance the visualization of these structures.

Coronary computed tomography (CT) angiography is 3-dimensional imagery used to evaluate the structure and function of the heart, the coronary arteries, and the great vessels that lead to and from the heart. The 3-dimensional images help your physician detect abnormal calcium buildup in the coronary arteries, see any narrowing of arteries or view possible congenital defects that could cause a heart attack.

A very simple, non-invasive scan that provides sharp, clear images of your coronary arteries. A HeartSaver computed tomography (CT) can detect abnormal calcium buildup in the coronary arteries, which may indicate increased risk for heart attack. Early detection of heart disease is critical to heart attack prevention.

An ultrasound sends sound waves through an area of the body being studied to create images of internal body structures. These images allow for the visualization of abnormalities such as cysts, fluid buildup or infection.

The vascular ultrasonography uses ultrasound to look at the condition of certain arteries or veins in your body. The images provide your doctor with detailed information about the flow of blood from the vessels to your vital organs and appendages.

This WWW form allows the user simplified access to images produced by the VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey (VLSS, formerly 4MASS).This service determines which VLSS image is desired based on a celestial position and returns a Web page with a link to the file.This avoids having to determine the name and/or directory of the file.The proposed VLSS radio survey uses the NRAO Very Large Arraytelescope and when complete will cover the sky north of a declinationof -30 degrees at a frequency of 74 MHz (4 meters wavelength).It has a resolution of 80" and an RMS noise around 100 mJy.The VLSS survey is being conducted by the National Radio AstronomyObservatory and The Naval Research Lab.Partial observations are now available.

The images from the VLSS are produced as 14 x 14 degree, overlappingimages. The images use the SIN projection, have 25" cell spacing and are labeled in J2000 coordinates.(The VLSS Postage stamp (small FITS file) servercan be used to obtain images with other geometries.)This form will allow determination of the closest of these images to a desired position.

The reproject package implements image reprojection (resampling) methodsfor astronomical images and more generally n-dimensional data. These assumethat the WCS information contained in the data are correct. This package doesnot do image registration, which is the process of aligning images whereone or more images may have incorrect or missing WCS.

A common use case is that you have two FITS images, and want to reproject oneto the same header as the other. This can easily be done with the reprojectpackage, and we demonstrate this in the following example. We start off bydownloading two example images from ,namely a 2MASS K-band image and an MSX band E image of the Galactic center:

The reproject package supports a number of different algorithms forreprojection (interpolation, flux-conserving reprojection, etc.) anddifferent types of data (images, spectral cubes, HEALPIX images, etc.). Formore information, we encourage you to read the full documentation below!

A host of Christ's followers gather on a hilltop to witness his ascension into heaven. As the group watches from below, Christ's feet disappear into an opening in the clouds. 

The biblical account of Christ's ascension is minimal and does not name individual witnesses. Here, the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist are recognisable as the central characters. Mary Magdalene is the more sumptuously dressed woman in gold and Saint Peter is the figure in white in the foreground.

'The Ascension' was part of a series of 47 devotional panels painted for the Catholic Queen Isabella of Castile, showing scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin. Only 27 of these now survive, the majority of which are thought to have been painted by Juan de Flandes or his studio. They include 'Christ appearing to the Virgin'.

The National Gallery has endeavoured to make as many images of the collection as possible available for non-commercial use. However, an image of this painting is not available to download. This may be due to third party copyright restrictions.

The use of images in an educational setting is governed by United States copyright law. If you have any questions about using a copyrighted image as part of your class please contact the library's Course Reserves and Copyright Services Office. See the the tip sheet below for more information.

Astrometry with WFPC2 means primarily relative astrometry. The high angular resolution and sensitivity of WFPC2 makes it possible, in principle, to measure precise positions of faint features with respect to other reference points in the WFPC2 field of view. On the other hand, the absolute astrometry that can be obtained from WFPC2 images is limited by the positions of the guide stars, usually known to about 0."5 rms in each coordinate, and by the transformation between the FGS and the WFPC2, which introduces errors of order of 0."1 (see Instrument Science Report OSG-006).

Because WFPC2 consists of four physically separate detectors, it is necessary to define a coordinate system that includes all four detectors. For convenience, sky coordinates (right ascension and declination) are often used; in this case, they must be computed and carried to a precision of a few mas, in order to maintain the precision with which the relative positions and scales of the WFPC2 detectors are known. It is important to remember that the coordinates are not known with this accuracy. The absolute accuracy of the positions obtained from WFPC2 images is typically 0."5 rms in each coordinate and is limited primarily by the accuracy of the guide star positions.

tag_hash_109 tag_hash_111 <b><i>The recommended way to convert pixel coordinates into relative coordinates is to use the task, metric</b>, which can handle both WF/PC-1 and WFPC2 images. The task <b>xy2rd</b>, will provide rough coordinates only and does not take geometric distortion into account.</i>

For WFPC2 images, <b>metric</b> corrects the geometric distortion introduced by the camera optics, primarily the field flattening lenses, and brings the four chips into the metachip reference system, defined so as to have the same orientation and plate scale as the WF2 chip at its center. These coordinates are then converted into right ascension and declination by using the position and orientation of the WF2 chip. A related task, <b>invmetric</b>, can be used to effect the opposite transformation, from right ascension and declination to chip and pixel position. The final relative positions are accurate to better than 0."005 for targets contained on one chip, and 0."1 for targets on different chips. Note that both <b>metric</b> and <b>invmetric</b> include specialized information about the geometry of WFPC2 (see ISR 95-02). They do not use the header parameters that describe the world coordinate system (CRVAL1 and 2, CRPIX1 and 2, and the CDMATRIX) to relate positions in different chips. Of these parameters, only the values for WF2 are used to convert the metachip positions to and from right ascension and declination. As a side effect, neither task can work on images that do not contain WF2, for which the <b>xy2rd</b> task can be used. ff782bc1db

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