We welcome you all to the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. The Applied Science Business and Industrial Research Symposium (ASBIRES) 2024 will be held on March 5 March 7, 2025. Please mark your calendar for ASBIRES 2024.
The Applied Science Business and Industrial Research Symposium (ASBIRES) of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka is a significant event in the calendar of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
To promote business and industrial research, provide opportunity for undergraduates to present their findings with other institutions.
The 16th ASBIRES is proudly organized by Faculty of Applied Sciences. The department of the Industrial Management, Faculty of Applied Sciences had organized the ASBIRES in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka as an annual event of the Faculty since 2009. The topics of the symposium include the following scientific research areas
Computing & Information Systems
Industrial Management
Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling
Keynote Speaker
Eng. Naleen Jayasuriya
General Manager
Sri Lanka Telecom PLC
Title of the speech:
“Artificial Intelligence as a Catalyst: Revolutionizing Knowledge Sharing for Sustainable Industrial Growth”