A personal access token (PAT) contains your security credentials for the Asana platform. Much like an API key, generating a PAT allows you to access (i.e., make requests to) the Asana REST API upon successful authentication.

Remember to keep your tokens secret and treat them just like passwords. Your tokens act on your behalf when interacting with the API. As such, do not hardcode them into your programs. Instead, opt to use them as environment variables.

Asan Doc Token

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Even if that were not the case, most apps that integrate with Drive store the Google Account oAuth token, and just re-use that, rather than prompting over and over and over to pick which google login to connect with. This is a much better option.

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Note: it can be advantageous to use guests to create "bot" accounts. Due to the access restrictions, bots created from a guest account personal access token can be given fine-grained access to only the data that it needs to use.

In this brief tutorial, we'll build a GET request to /users/me using the Python client library. To get started, first run pip install asana or follow the detailed installation instructions on the GitHub page for the Python client library. Then, once the library is installed:

In this brief tutorial, we'll build a GET request to /users/me using the Node client library. To get started, first run npm install asana or follow the detailed installation instructions on the GitHub page for the Node client library. Then, once the library is installed:

In this brief tutorial, we'll build a GET request to /users/me using the Ruby client library. To get started, first run gem install asana or follow the detailed installation instructions on the GitHub page for the Ruby client library. Then, once the library is installed:

Get your access token and use it to create an Asana client. At the time of writing this guide, the Asana API is going through two deprecations (moving to string GIDs and changing how sections function). You can learn about our deprecations framework in our docs. To prevent my app from breaking when the deprecations are finalized, I'm passing headers to enable the new API behavior for string GIDs and sections. We will also set a delay to determine how quickly our parallel requests are sent.

We will authenticate our bot using a personal access token (PAT). Log in to the Asana account that will be used for the bot and navigate to the developer console. You can get to the developer console directly here.

Next, click + Create new token and follow the instructions to get your token. Treat this token like a username and password. Do not share it with anyone and never publish it to a public repository. You may also wish to save the token as an environment variable (instructions on how to do this on Mac). For this guide, the personal access token was saved as an environment variable called triage_bot_pat.

Each library has an examples folder in addition to the README, which can be helpful for getting started. The methods for each resource can be found in the gen folder of each client library (e.g., node-asana/lib/resources/gen/).

When making a paginated request, the API will return a number of results as specified by the limit parameter.If more results exist, then the response will contain a next_page attribute, which will include an offset, arelative path attribute, and a full uri attribute. If there are no more pages available, next_page will benull and no offset will be provided. Note that an offset token will expire after some time, as data may have changed.

In the event of a server error, the response body will contain an error phrase. These phrases are automatically generatedusing the node-asana-phrase library and can be used by Asana supportto quickly look up the incident that caused the server error.

The vast majority of developers will be unaffected by the cost limit, and the quota is set sufficiently high that it only affects users making requests that would compromise the stability of the API. Rather than unconditionally blocking their token from the API, this cost limiter will permit them to continue operation at a slower but safe and stable rate.

For tags specifically, to make it easier to create @-mentions through the API, we only require that you provide the GID of the object you wish to reference. If you have access to that object, the API will automatically generate the appropriate href and other attributes for you. For example, to create a link to a task with GID "123", you can send the tag which will then be expanded to Task Name. You can also generate a link to a task in a specific project or tag by including a data-asana-project or data-asana-tag attribute in the tag. All other attributes, as well as the contents of the tag, are ignored.

To keep the contents of your tag and make a custom vanity link, include the property data-asana-dynamic="false" when setting the contents of the tag. You would send This is some custom text! and receive This is some custom text!

Make a second API call to write the rich text, using the returned GID as the data-asana-gid field of the tag. You don't need the inner HTML and you only need a couple of the tag attributes: All that is needed is

At its core, OAuth is a mechanism for applications to access the Asana API on behalf of a user without the application havingaccess to the username and password. Instead, apps get a token which they can use along with their own application credentialsto make API requests.

The application can now use the token exchange endpoint to exchange the code, togetherwith the client secret, for a bearer token (which lasts an hour) and a refresh token (which can be used to fetch newbearer token when the current one expires).

Once the bearer token expires, the application can again use the token exchange endpoint to exchange the refreshtoken for a new bearer token. This can be repeated for as long as the user has authorized the application.

The state parameter must contain an unguessable value tied to the user's session, which can be the hash of something tied to their session when the OAuth flow is first initiated (e.g., their session cookie). This value is then passed back and forth between the client application and the OAuth service as a form of CSRF token for the client application.

Whenever a user wants to OAuth with Asana, your app server should generate a random string called the code_verifier. This string should be saved to the user (as every code_verifier should be unique per user). Thisshould stay on the app server and only be sent to the token exchange endpoint.

Asana confirms that hashing the code_verifier with the code_challenge_method results in the code_challenge. This proves to Asana the app that hit the user authorization endpoint is the same app that hit the token exchange endpoint.

The body should include a valid refresh token, which will cause the refresh token and any associated bearer tokens to be deauthorized. Bearer tokens are not accepted in the request body since a new bearer token can always be obtained by reusing an authorized refresh token.

A successful response with a 200 status code indicates that the token was deauthorized or not found. An unsuccessful response with a 400 status code will be returned if the request was malformed due to missing any required fields or specifying an invalid token (such as a bearer access token).

Personal access tokens (PATs) are a useful mechanism for accessing the API in scenarios where OAuth would be consideredoverkill, such as access from the command line and personal scripts or applications. A user can create many, but notunlimited, personal access tokens. When creating a token, you must give it a description to help you remember what youcreated the token for.

Asana also supports the OpenID Connect protocol for authenticating Asana users with yourapplications. That is, in addition to the normal code and token response types for the OAuth flow, you canalso use the id_token response type.

For this response type, you are not granted an access token for the API, butrather given a signed JSON Web Token containing the user's ID along with some metadata. If you wantto allow users to log into your services using their Asana account, the OpenID Connect protocol is an ideal way toauthenticate an Asana user. To obtain an ID token, you must request the openid scope during the authentication flow.

It is also possible to obtain an ID token alongside an authorization code in the authorization code grantflow by using the (space-delimited) code id_token response type. If you do, the redirect parameters will includethe ID token in addition to everything you would normally receive.

To access additional information about the user in a standardized format, we also expose auser info endpoint that can provide the user's name,email address, and profile photo. This data is available by making a GET request to _connect/userinfo with an OAuth access token that has the openid scope.Depending on the scopes tied to that token, you will receive different pieces of data. Refer to ourlist of OAuth scopes to determine which additional scopes you need to get the data you want.

Keep in mind that this authorization provides the app server with a single user's auth token. Multiple users of Asana will viewexternal resources attached by a user who has authenticated and send requests to the app server, but the server will likely onlyhave the token for one user. You may want to suggest users to authenticate with a bot account. ff782bc1db

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