Project Profile

Accomplishments of various DIY prize winning Robotics project and Software based project

Honors and Awards Board

1st place in Science Fair


4th place in Global Robotic Challenge-2016

North South University

Hardware based Project

Project: 01

Quad-copter Drone

Project: 02

Self Balancing Robot

Project: 03

Simple Portable ECG and EKG monitor

Project: 04

Android Controlled Robot

Project: 05

Line Follower Robot

Project: 06

Clap Controlled Home

Project: 07

Simple Portable ECG and EKG monitor

Project: 08

Sensor Based Home Automation System

Software based Project

Project: 01

Bank Management System

Project: 02

Client Group Chat Software

Project: 03

Online-Assignment-Submission System (Spring Boot)

Project: 04

Smart Office Management System