I'm currently working as a Software Development Engineer-2 at Observe.AI and am contributing to developing a data pipeline that can handle tons of load and any form of data. Before this, I graduated with a B.Tech (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar in 2021 and was given a Proficiency in Project Work Award in the department.  

I am a quick learner and take ownership of what I develop. I always try to learn new tech and apply them whenever and wherever possible. In my very short career, I have been supervised and worked with great minds which have shaped me to be a developer who can develop and maintain high-delivery services, apart from this, I also have a keen research interest which lies in the field of Computer Vision,  Robust and Trustworthy ML, and Efficient & Optimized Computing of ML. I believe that as we grow over the years in the field of Deep Neural Nets we also need to keep security and robustness alongside fast and efficient products to ship which can be accessible by all.

Apart from this I also have worked in the application of Deep Neural Nets on Computer Vision tasks, like 3D Facial Reconstruction, Image Segmentation and Object Detection. I have done some hands-on on the tasks like these. More details on my such projects can be found here