Complex systems dynamics: Theory and Applications

Welcome to the homepage of Aryaman Jha! It is updated once every month(assuming google stays and no other free webpage builder is easier)

About Me

I am a PhD student in the School of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology(Georgia Tech), I completed my undergraduate degree in Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.

My interests are in the mathematical and computational modelling and analysis of concrete instances of complex systems using tools of Non-linear dynamics(and the algebra and geometry involved), statistical mechanics, machine learning.(a more specific description is given below)

I am extremely motivated towards research in Biological Physics, particularly Morphogenesis, which involves mechano-biology and understanding the role of the Extracellular Matrix(ECM) in morphogenetic processes, particularly with a focus on creating soft matter models of the tissue to understand possible mechanisms giving the phenotypes observed.

Basically I like modelling stuff, getting new math problems from that modelling, and dancing with that problem until either of us is exhausted beyond doubt! I am not limited to my main interests, I am interested in much of what nature(and math mentioned separately?) has to offer, you may find more of my interests and details here.

My CV can be accessed here

Apart from Science you may see my try at making my name in the online art community here (I am still at it ;) )

If you are interested in learning about any of my research interests, you may find them on the 'Research interests' Tab!