Hi, I'm Arya.

I am currently a graduate student in Mathematics at University of Buffalo. My advisor is Johanna Mangahas-Kutluhan. I am mainly interested in geometric topology and geometric group theory. My non-mathematical hobbies include ultimate frisbee, disc golf and board games. 

I have completed my undergraduate (bachelors) degree at Chennai Mathematical Institute, India, where I majored in Mathematics and Computer Science. Click here for my (probably outdated) CV.

I organize the UBDoG seminar at UB. I'm the Outreach Coordinator for UB's Directed Reading Program for undergraduates.

I was a student/counselor/head counselor/research assistant at PROMYS from 2016-21. I was a mentor at Canada/USA Mathcamp in 2022 and 2023, and will be one next summer too!

Contact me at aryaabhi@buffalo.edu. 🐼