High voltages involve large accumulations of like electric charges. These charges repel one another ferociously and can leap off into the air near sharp points and edges. They produce sparks and corona discharges. While these discharges are useful in some devices (e.g. copiers and air cleaners), they tend to transfer energy to air molecules and can break up those air molecules. When normal oxygen molecules (which each contain 2 oxygen atoms) break up, the resulting oxygen atoms can stick to other oxygen molecules to form ozone molecules (which each contain 3 oxygen atoms). That is why you can often smell ozone near electrical discharges, high voltage power lines, and after thunderstorms.

I have an old CRT TV which had to be switched ON for half an hour or so for the picture to stop being blurry and be 'viewable'. During this initial warm-up time there was a 'static' like noise coming from the TV which was not from the speakers. Also there was this weird smell which filled the room which I now suspect was ozone. I couldn't find any visible arcing although the sound was similar to one. Had it repaired (faulty transformer they said) and the both the sound and the smell went away. How is possible for the device to produce ozone? I understand it requires a very high amount of energy, equivalent to lightning, for ozone to be produced in nature. How can the small voltage and current (compared to lightning) levels in home do this which normally requires such a very large amount of energy ?

Why Does A High Voltage Transformer Make Ozone

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The flyback transformer used to supply the anode in the CRT boosts the voltage to 10's of kilovolts, and if there's any insulation degradation or even contamination around connections you can get arcing or corona, which can generate ozone.

Ozone is produced as a result of arc discharge or corona discharge (a consequence of high electric field gradient) -- a lightning bolt has immense energy and thus produces a large amount of ozone, while your TV may have had small arcs (consistent with the static-like sound) producing a smaller amount of ozone. These are the result of a malfunction in a flyback transformer, which produces large voltages (but low current, hence modest energy) necessary for the CRT to operate.

In many high voltage applications, corona is an unwanted side effect. Corona discharge from high voltage electric power transmission lines constitutes an economically significant waste of energy for utilities. In high voltage equipment like cathode ray tube televisions, radio transmitters, X-ray machines, and particle accelerators, the current leakage caused by coronas can constitute an unwanted load on the circuit. In the air, coronas generate gases such as ozone (O3) and nitric oxide (NO), and in turn, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and thus nitric acid (HNO3) if water vapor is present. These gases are corrosive and can degrade and embrittle nearby materials, and are also toxic to humans and the environment.

Corona discharges can often be suppressed by improved insulation, corona rings, and making high voltage electrodes in smooth rounded shapes. However, controlled corona discharges are used in a variety of processes such as air filtration, photocopiers, and ozone generators.

Coronas may be positive or negative. This is determined by the polarity of the voltage on the highly curved electrode. If the curved electrode is positive with respect to the flat electrode, it has a positive corona; if it is negative, it has a negative corona. (See below for more details.) The physics of positive and negative coronas are strikingly different. This asymmetry is a result of the great difference in mass between electrons and positively charged ions, with only the electron having the ability to undergo a significant degree of ionizing inelastic collision at common temperatures and pressures.

Corona discharge occurs when the electric field is strong enough to create a chain reaction; electrons in the air collide with atoms hard enough to ionize them, creating more free electrons that ionize more atoms. The diagrams below illustrate at a microscopic scale the process which creates a corona in the air next to a pointed electrode carrying a high negative voltage with respect to ground. The process is:

A plasma ball, plasma globe, or plasma lamp is a clear glass container filled with noble gases, usually a mixture of neon, krypton, and xenon, that has a high-voltage electrode in the center of the container. When voltage is applied, a plasma is formed within the container. Plasma filaments extend from the inner electrode to the outer glass insulator, giving the appearance of multiple constant beams of colored light (see corona discharge and electric glow discharge). Plasma balls were popular as novelty items in the 1980s.[1]

The plasma lamp was invented by Nikola Tesla, during his experimentation with high-frequency currents in an evacuated glass tube for the purpose of studying high voltage phenomena.[2] Tesla called his invention an "inert gas discharge tube".[3] The modern plasma lamp design was developed by James Falk and MIT student Bill Parker.[1]

In U.S. Patent 0,514,170 ("Incandescent Electric Light", 1894 February 6), Nikola Tesla describes a plasma lamp. This patent is for one of the first high-intensity discharge lamps. Tesla used an incandescent-type lamp ball with a single internal conductive element and excited the element with high voltage currents from a Tesla coil, thus creating the brush discharge emanation. He gained patent protection on a particular form of the lamp in which a light-giving small body or button of refractory material is supported by a conductor entering a very highly exhausted ball or receiver. Tesla called this invention the single terminal lamp, or, later, the "Inert Gas Discharge Tube".[3]

Plasma balls can be used for experimenting with high voltages. If a conductive plate or wire coil is placed on the ball, capacitive coupling can transfer enough voltage to the plate or coil to produce a small arc or energize a high voltage load. This is possible because the plasma inside the ball and the conductor outside it act as plates of a capacitor, with the glass in between as a dielectric. A step-down transformer connected between the plate and the ball's electrode can produce lower-voltage, higher-current radio frequency output. Careful earth grounding is essential to prevent injury or damage to equipment.

Bringing conductive materials or electronic devices close to a plasma ball may cause the glass to become hot. The high voltage radio frequency energy coupled to them from within the ball may cause a mild electric shock to the person touching, even through a protective glass casing. The radio frequency field produced by plasma balls can interfere with the operation of touchpads used on laptop computers, digital audio players, cell phones, and other similar devices.[1] Some types of plasma ball can radiate sufficient radio frequency interference (RFI) to interfere with cordless telephones and Wi-Fi devices several feet or some meters away.

1st: In this instructable you are going to work with dangerous voltage (110/220 V up to several kilovolts) to create Ozone which is a hazardous substance. Make sure to always use a ground fault circuit interrupter during building, testing and using the device. Also, make sure that all metal casings are properly grounded. If you are not sure, I strongly advice to use a portable GFCI plug like this one to keep yourself from harm.

1st ) In our upper atmosphere ozone is build up by irradiating oxygen with energetic ultraviolet radiation. The highly energetic radiation cleaves the O-O bond and forms two oxygen radicals that react with other oxygen molecules to ozone. You can find a lot of detailed information about that on Wikipedia. You can buy UV based ozone generators mainly to disinfect water (e.g. here), but for our intended purpose of deodorizing a room the amount of ozone is typically too small.

3rd) Electricity: Do you know the smell of an old laser printer when operated? You will get the same near an electric arc or near a place where lightning struck during a storm. All have in common that high voltage is used to ionize the air. During this process large amounts of ozone can be generated. Most of the electrical ozone generators do in fact not use electrical arks (as those are bad to handle and lead to rapid material degradation) but corona discharges. Again, you can read a lot about those e.g. on Wikipedia.

There are some pretty impressive electrical driven ozone generators out there. I decide to go with these as they are quite cheap (around $30 and even less if you get them from China), easy to handle and generate an astonishing amount ~ 10 g/hour of ozone. This does not sound like much in the beginning, but keep in mind that for deodorizing cars rates of 0.5 g/h are enough and professional room cleaning generators are aiming for 5 to 10 g/h.

3rd) The high voltage generators produce some electrical noise that can be harmful to small electrical components. Be sure to keep the Arduino and the relay board away from the generators. I also found it helpful to put the AC-DC transformer in between those systems as the (grounded) metal case of the transformer acts as a barrier.

There is a bug in the idea of making ozone generator from such plates, since offered corona plasma discharge plates are made of plastic part, featuring two-side deposited electrodes.

For corona plasma discharge effect to take place you need to place 2 electrodes in thin air, since ozone is generated from thin air.

So to make these plates to work you need 2 plates and have a single cord soldered to a single plate ( printed electrode side) than you need to flip one plate to have printed electrodes to look face-2-face to work, since for corona plasma discharge effect to work, you need thin air as a dielectric separator.

Working other way, as suggested by you and as suggested by tens of chinese web sites


you build simply high - voltage heater, damaging the plate very soon, not generating ozone.

So read basics, how ozone is produced first




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