The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).Literally speaking the epoch is Unix time 0 (midnight 1/1/1970), but 'epoch' is often used as a synonym for Unix time.Some systems store epoch dates as a signed 32-bit integer, which might cause problems on January 19, 2038 (known as the Year 2038 problem or Y2038).The converter on this page converts timestamps in seconds (10-digit), milliseconds (13-digit) and microseconds (16-digit) to readable dates.

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In the String Formatting article, you saw how you can use the StringFormat property of a data binding to convert any type into a string. For other types of conversions, you need to write some specialized code in a class that implements the IValueConverter interface. (The Universal Windows Platform contains a similar class named IValueConverter in the Windows.UI.Xaml.Data namespace, but this IValueConverter is in the Xamarin.Forms namespace.) Classes that implement IValueConverter are called value converters, but they are also often referred to as binding converters or binding value converters.

The Enable Buttons page in the Data Binding Demos sample demonstrates how to use this value converter in a data binding. The IntToBoolConverter is instantiated in the page's resource dictionary. It is then referenced with a StaticResource markup extension to set the Converter property in two data bindings. It is very common to share data converters among multiple data bindings on the page:

The Enable Buttons page demonstrates a common need when a Button performs an operation based on text that the user types into an Entry view. If nothing has been typed into the Entry, the Button should be disabled. Each Button contains a data binding on its IsEnabled property. The data-binding source is the Length property of the Text property of the corresponding Entry. If that Length property is not 0, the value converter returns true and the Button is enabled:

Some value converters are written specifically for particular applications, while others are generalized. If you know that a value converter will only be used in OneWay bindings, then the ConvertBack method can simply return null.

You can write value converters to be more generalized and to accept several different types of data. The Convert and ConvertBack methods can use the as or is operators with the value parameter, or can call GetType on that parameter to determine its type, and then do something appropriate. The expected type of each method's return value is given by the targetType parameter. Sometimes, value converters are used with data bindings of different target types; the value converter can use the targetType argument to perform a conversion for the correct type.

The Switch Indicators page demonstrates how it can be used to display the value of a Switch view. Although it's common to instantiate value converters as resources in a resource dictionary, this page demonstrates an alternative: Each value converter is instantiated between Binding.Converter property-element tags. The x:TypeArguments indicates the generic argument, and TrueObject and FalseObject are both set to objects of that type:

The Binding class defines a ConverterParameter property, and the Binding markup extension also defines a ConverterParameter property. If this property is set, then the value is passed to the Convert and ConvertBack methods as the parameter argument. Even if the instance of the value converter is shared among several data bindings, the ConverterParameter can be different to perform somewhat different conversions.

To display these as hexadecimal values in XAML, they must be multiplied by 255, converted to an integer, and then formatted with a specification of "X2" in the StringFormat property. The first two tasks (multiplying by 255 and converting to an integer) can be handled by the value converter. To make the value converter as generalized as possible, the multiplication factor can be specified with the ConverterParameter property, which means that it enters the Convert and ConvertBack methods as the parameter argument:

The Convert converts from a double to int while multiplying by the parameter value; the ConvertBack divides the integer value argument by parameter and returns a double result. (In the program shown below, the value converter is used only in connection with string formatting, so ConvertBack is not used.)

Technology Level 3: A DEEC-Tec-based ocean wave energy converter is an example of an energy harnessing/converting structure made of DEEC-Tec metamaterials. DEEC-Tec-based wave energy converters have two defining characteristics:

NREL has extensive experience in developing materials for both FMDEC structures and embedded distributed energy converters. This experience, to name of few, leverages techniques ranging from upcycling of used polymers to the development of novel new elastomer electrodes.

NREL is familiar with and has the experience necessary for the co-design of DEEC-Tec-based ocean wave energy converters. Inherent in their nature, DEEC-Tec-based converters require the co-design and concurrent engineering of, at minimum:

Neither converters nor their representatives are allowed to sell the new motor vehicles they convert directly to Texas consumers, including municipalities. Only dealers that are franchised and licensed for the underlying line-make of the converted vehicle are allowed to sell converted vehicles to Texas consumers. If a converted new motor vehicle is sold through a bid process, a franchised dealer for the underlying chassis line-make must be listed on the bid as the seller.

The converter is not required to purchase the motor vehicle it will convert from a Texas franchised dealer. However, once the conversion is complete, the vehicle can only be sold to the end-user by a franchised and licensed Texas motor vehicle dealer for the underlying chassis line-make. The franchised dealer must invoice the end-user for the entire purchase price of the vehicle, including the conversion package, obtain payment for the entire purchase price, and perform the titling work on the complete vehicle. How the converter is paid for the conversion package and conversion work is between the converter and the franchised dealer.

If a person makes substantial modifications to a new motor vehicle and the resulting product is an ambulance, fire-fighting vehicle, or motorhome, as those terms are defined in Chapter 2301 of the Texas Occupations Code, then the person must obtain a manufacturer license, not a converter license. However, if even one of the conversions produced does not meet the exact definition of ambulance, fire-fighting vehicle, or motorhome, then a converter license, as well as a manufacturer license, is required.

Converters are not required to be physically located in Texas. Even if the converter is located in another state, as long as new motor vehicles they convert are sold in Texas, the converter must have a converter license issued by Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.

1. The possession or sale of a used catalytic converter or any nonferrous parts of a catalytic converter by an automotive recycler that is licensed pursuant to title 28, chapter 10 if the possession or sale is in the automotive recycler's ordinary course of business.

2. The purchase or sale of a used catalytic converter or any nonferrous parts of a catalytic converter as prescribed by section 44-1642.01 that are acquired in a transaction with an industrial account, with another scrap metal dealer or after the used catalytic converter or the nonferrous parts of a catalytic converter are authorized for release by a peace officer of the jurisdiction in which the transaction occurs, except that a solicitation or advertisement for a used catalytic converter or any nonferrous parts of a catalytic converter may be made only for industrial accounts.

3. The possession or sale of a used catalytic converter or any nonferrous parts of a catalytic converter by a commercial motor vehicle parts or repair business that sells or installs a new catalytic converter if the possession or sale is in the business's ordinary course of business. A commercial motor vehicle parts or repair business may purchase a used catalytic converter being sold as a vehicle repair part in compliance with United States environmental protection agency policy. The used catalytic converter in compliance with United States environmental protection agency policy shall be marked with the date the catalytic converter was removed from the vehicle, the vehicle identification number of the vehicle from which the catalytic converter was removed or an alternative number to the vehicle identification number. If an alternative number is used, the alternative number must be under a numbering system that can be immediately linked to the vehicle identification number by law enforcement.

C. A person that purchases a used catalytic converter or any nonferrous parts of a catalytic converter shall electronically submit to the department of public safety a record of each transaction relating to a used catalytic converter or any nonferrous parts of a catalytic converter in accordance with section 44-1644.

This guide describes the installation of a digital-to-analog converter box with your current antenna and analog TV. This guide will help you prepare so that when you purchase a converter box you will know what to expect and whether you may need help setting it up. e24fc04721

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