
New and renewal memberships for the 2023 calendar year are now being accepted.

Please read carefully because dues structures and membership types have changed beginning with 2023.

Our preferred method of new memberships and renewals is to use Paypal. We use for members to send money directly from their Paypal account to us.  You must have a Paypal account to use this option.  The membership options are:

If you do not have, or prefer not to use, a PayPal account, you may download a hard copy of the ARVARF membership application.  Then mail the application along with the appropriate dues to our Post Office box listed on the application.

             ARVARF Membership Application

Or you can always submit your application or pay dues at our monthly dinner meetings.

Click the link below to complete the membership application and dues payment to Paypal.

We use Google Forms to collect information for our membership roster.  The information we collect is used internally and is not shared with anyone.