72nd Aspens
Outdoor Service Guides
Inclusive & Back to Basics Scouting
What do we mean by "inclusive?"
Scouting for everybody. Everybody. No matter what.
Inclusive as in open to all youth and adults regardless of neurodiversity, religion (or non-religion), sexual orientation, gender identity, race, and any other characteristics that have historically been used to divide groups of people.
What do we mean by "back to basics?"
Back to basics as in old school: lighting fires with flint and steel, building camping shelters using nothing by dead wood in the forest, or using semaphore to communicate across distances.
How are we different from other scouting organizations like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Navigators, YMCA, or 4-H?
We support other scouting organizations as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Outdoor Service Guides all recognize Robert Baden Powell's family as our founders. There are some differences, however. In OSG:
Preschoolers and adults can be scouts.
Multiple campouts throughout the year for all ages.
Most meetings take place outdoors.
Badge requirements are hands on and focus on doing, not listening.
Focus on skills from early scouting: lighting fires with flint and steel, building your own shelter, splitting wood with just a knife.
Secular organization. We welcome all religions and non-religion.
Anybody and everybody can join.