Program & Course Outcomes

After completing the course of Applications of Calculus one can apply the same to various types of problems in Physics, Chemistry, Computer science and other branches of science and engineering. Statisticians, Economists, Biologists and others can apply their knowledge into their respective fields.

After completing the course of Linear Programming Problem one may find the best, most and economical solution to a problem within all of its limitations, or constraints. Some of the fields of users of Linear Programming techniques include food and agriculture, engineering, transportation, manufacturing and energy.

Completing the course on metric space one may acquire knowledge about metric distance which induces a topology on a non-empty set X. In this context one get knowledge of open set, closed set, closure of a set and other information regarding them.

Tensor Calculus developed by Gregoryo Ricci - Curbastro & Tullio Levi-Civita. Completing this course one can apply the same to various physical and engineering problems, especially in, elasticity, continuum mechanics, general relativity, quantum field theory etc. One may remember that Albert Einstein used tensor calculus to develop his theory of general relativity.