
Astrobiology, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V. (2023) in Khagola Darshana, eds. Shylaja B.S, Anantharamu T.R., Navakarnataka Publications
Physics of Gravitational Waves: Sources and Detection Methods, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram (2023) Springer Nature (ISBN: 978303130462-0)
A Guide to Black Holes, ed. Arun Kenath (2023) Nova Science Publishers (ISBN: 9798886971637)
Current Trends in Astrobiology, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V. (2018) Cambridge Scholars Publishing (ISBN: 9781527514188) 
100 Years of Einstein's Theory of Relativity: An Introduction to Gravity and Cosmology, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V. (2016) Ane Books Pvt. Ltd (ISBN: 9789385462405)
Pioneers of Modern Astronomy, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V. (2014) INDIGO Multimedia (ISBN: 5551234082291)
Modern Astronomy – Startling facts, with 1001 Questions and Answers, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath (2009) Ane Books Pvt. Ltd (ISBN: 9789380156057)


Can Hubble tension be eased by invoking a finite range for gravity?, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Dominic Sebastian, Arun Kenath, Modern Physics Letters A, 2024, DOI: 10.1142/S0217732324500731
Is asteroid 33 Polyhymnia a dark matter (DM) degenerate object?, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, European Physical Journal Plus, 139, 547, 2024 
Gammaless gamma-ray bursts?, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Indian Journal of Physics, 98, 407, 2024
Psychological experiences and travel Adversities: A Mixed-Method study of the regular commuters in traffic congestion, Maria Liya, Santhosh Rajan, Arun Kenath, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 101, 130, 2024
Mathematical Modelling of Traffic Behaviour, Maria Liya, Santhosh Rajan, Arun Kenath, Mapana, Journal of Science, 22(3), 159, 2023
Primordial Planets with an Admixture of Dark Matter Particles and Baryonic Matter, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Universe, 9, 401, 2023
Possible Alternate Scenario for Short Duration GRBs Invoking Dark Matter Objects, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Mapana, Journal of Science, 22(2), 27, 2023
Escaping the Pair-Instability Mass Gap with the Help of Dark Matter, Raghav Narasimha, Della Vincent, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Physical Sciences Forum, 7(1), 24, 2023
Mergers and Tidal Breakups of Binary Systems of Primordial DM Planets with Baryon Admixture and Emission of Gravitational Waves, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., Physical Sciences Forum, 7(1), 15, 2023
Baryonic Matter Abundance in the Framework of MONG, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Physical Sciences Forum, 7(1), 11, 2023
Testing Quantum Effects of Gravity and Dark Energy at Laboratory Scales, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, A. Prasad, Physical Sciences Forum, 7(1), 5, 2023
Invoking Dark Matter in the Formation of SMBH in the Very Early Universe: A Possible Solution to a Continuing Conundrum, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, in A Guide to Black Holes, ed. Arun Kenath, Nova Science Publishers: New York, pp. 1-20, 2023
Gravity of Negative Mass: Some Subtle Aspects and Implications, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, A. Prasad, Mapana Journal of Science, 21(4), 73, 2022
From maximum force to the field equations of general relativity and implications, Arun Kenath, C. Schiller, C. Sivaram, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 31, 2242019, 2022
MONG: An extension to galaxy clusters, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Modern Physics Letters A, 37, 2250078, 2022
The Hubble tension: Change in dark energy or a case for modified gravity?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Louise Rebecca, Indian Journal of Physics, 96, 1289, 2022
Evolution of Primordial Dark Matter Planets in the Early Universe, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Advances in Space Research, 68, 2050, 2021
Is the binding energy of galaxies related to their core black hole mass?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 42, 12, 2021
Multifrequency Gravitational Wave Background from Continuous Sources, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 7, 698, 2021
Non-Detection of Dark Matter Particles: A Case for Alternate Theories of Gravity, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, A. Prasad, Louise Rebecca, Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 7, 680, 2021
Planet Nine –Primordial Black Hole or a Dark Matter Object: A Comparative Study, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Mapana Journal of Science, 20 (3), 17, 2021
The Nonagenarian Neutrino, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Mapana Journal of Science, 20 (2), 17, 2021
Modelling the spread of Corona virus, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Mapana Journal of Science, 19 (3), 27, 2020
Effects of Dark Matter in Red Giants, Clea Sunny, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, S.B. Gudennavar, Physics of the Dark Universe, 30, 100727, 2020
Effects of dark matter on the upper bound mass of neutron stars, Sandeep S. Kumar, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Physics of the Dark Universe, 28, 100507, 2020
MOND, MONG, MORG as alternatives to dark matter and dark energy, and consequences for cosmic structures, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Louise Rebecca, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 41, 4, 2020
Planckian pre big bang phase of the Universe, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Louise Rebecca, Astrophysics and Space Science, 365, 17, 2020
Dark matter density distributions and dark energy constraints on structure formation including MOND, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Indian Journal of Physics, 94, 1491, 2020
Dark Matter Objects: Possible New Source of Gravitational Waves, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Earth, Moon, and Planets, 123, 9, 2019
Primordial Planets Predominantly of Dark Matter, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Earth, Moon, and Planets, 122, 115, 2019
Bioenergetics and stellar luminosities, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., International Journal of Astrobiology, 18 (3), 211, 2019
Alternative Standard Frequencies for Interstellar Communication, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., International Journal of Astrobiology, 18 (3), 209, 2019
Effects of dark matter in star formation, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, A. Prasad, C. Sivaram, Astrophysics and Space Science, 364, 24, 2019
Extremal charged black holes, dark matter and dark energy, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, A. Prasad, Astrophysics and Space Science, 363, 202, 2018
Dark energy constraints on masses and sizes of large scale cosmic structures, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Astrophysics and Space Science, 363, 149, 2018 
Forming supermassive black holes like J1342+0928 (invoking dark matter) in early universe, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Astrophysics and Space Science, 363, 40, 2018 
Alternate models to dark energy, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, A. Prasad, C. Sivaram, Advances in Space Research, 61 (1), 567, 2018
Hundred Years of Einstein's Cosmological Constant, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Theoretical Physics, 3 (2), 43, 2018
Dark Energy and Cosmological Constant, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Mapana Journal of Science, 17 (1), 25, 2018
Dark matter, dark energy, and alternate models: A review, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, C. Sivaram, Advances in Space Research, 60 (1), 166, 2017
Planet Nine, dark matter and MOND, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Astrophysics and Space Science, 361 (7), 230, 2016 
Evolution of Time Concept in Physics and in Philosophy, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Physics International Special issue: Studies in History and Philosophy of Physics and other Sciences, 6 (2), 68, 2015
Gravity of Accelerations on Quantum Scales and its Consequences, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., B.N. Sreenath, Hadronic Journal, 38 (3), 283, 2015
Implications of Possible Alternate Scenarios for Short and Long Duration GRBs, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., The Open Astronomy Journal, 7, 33, 2014
Primordial Black Holes as Heat Sources for Living Systems with Longest Possible Lifetimes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Astrophysics and Space Science, 351 (2), 407, 2014
Nuclear Detonation around Compact Objects, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Physics International Special issue: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology and underlying Mathematics, 5 (1), 36, 2014
Intermediate Mass Black Holes: Their motion and associated energetics, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Advances in High Energy Physics Special issue: Black Holes Physics, 2014, 924848, 2014
Dark Energy, Inertia and Mach’s Principle, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Hadronic Journal, 36 (2), 197, 2013
Some consequences of a Universal Tension arising from Dark Energy for structures from Atomic Nuclei to Galaxy Clusters, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., The Open Astronomy Journal, 6, 90, 2013
Holography, dark energy and entropy of large cosmic structures, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Astrophysics and Space Science, 348 (1), 217, 2013
Is there lower limit to velocity or velocity change?, B.N. Sreenath, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Astrophysics and Space Science, 345 (1), 209, 2013
Extended Equivalence Principle: Implications for Gravity, Geometry and Thermodynamics, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Hadronic Journal, 35 (6), 653, 2012
Primordial Rotation of the Universe, Hydrodynamics, Vortices and Angular Momenta of Celestial Objects, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, The Open Astronomy Journal, 5, 7, 2012
Some unique constants associated with extremal black holes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Astrophysics and Space Science, 338 (1), 1, 2012
Some aspects of rotational and magnetic energies for a hierarchy of celestial objects, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Astrophysics and Space Science, 337 (2), 767, 2012
Enigmatic aspects of Entropy inside the Black Hole: What do Comoving Observers see?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Astrophysics and Space Science, 337 (1), 169, 2012
Dieterici gas as a Unified Model for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, R. Nagaraja, Astrophysics and Space Science, 335 (2), 599, 2011
Some Enigmatic Aspects of the Early Universe, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Astrophysics and Space Science, 334 (2), 225, 2011
New Class of Dark Matter Objects and their Detection, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, The Open Astronomy Journal, 4, 57, 2011
Thermal Gravitational Waves, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, The Open Astronomy Journal, Special issue: Symposium on Gravitational Waves, the 7th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Crete, Greece, 2010, 4 (Suppl 1-M2), 65, 2011 
Thermal Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Holes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, The Open Astronomy Journal, Special issue: Symposium on Gravitational Waves, the 7th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Crete, Greece, 2010, 4 (Suppl 1-M3), 72, 2011
Enigmatic Aspects of the Early Universe: Possibility of a ‘Pre-Big Bang Phase’!, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Astrophysics and Space Science, 333 (1), 9, 2011
A Critique on Drexler Dark Matter, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, R. Nagaraja, Astrophysics and Space Science, 333 (1), 1, 2011
Curvature, Phase Space, Holography and Black Hole Entropy, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 18 (14), 2167, 2009
Landau’s Major Contribution to Physics: A Brief Overview, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Physics Education, 26 (2), 85, 2009
On Internal Heat Production in Exoplanets, Fission Triggered Stars, etc!, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Current Science, 97 (3), 296, 2009
Phase Space Constraints on Neutrino Luminosities, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Samartha, C.A., Modern Physics Letters A, 23 (17-20), 1470, 2008, Presented at International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics- ‘COSPA-2007’, Taiwan


MOND, MONG and the Oort Cloud, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Kiren O.V., Louise Rebecca, Presented at “22nd National Space Science Symposium (NSSS)”, hosted by Goa University, 26 Feb-1 Mar 2024
Dark Matter Conundrum: Case for Alternate Models?, Arun Kenath, Presented at "Ninth Regional Astronomy Meet", hosted by Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, 10 - 12 Jan 2024
Quintessence trapped in false vacuum: A case for stable scalar, Pradosh Keshav M.V., Arun Kenath, Presented at "Ninth Regional Astronomy Meet", hosted by Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, 10 - 12 Jan 2024
Quintessence and false vacuum: Two sides of the same coin?, Pradosh Keshav M.V., Arun Kenath, Presented at "2nd annual conference on cosmology", hosted by Center for Cosmology and Science Popularization, SGT University, 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2023
Cosmology with a Cosmological Basis, Pradosh Keshav M.V., Arun Kenath, Presented at "89th annual conference of Indian mathematical society", hosted by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus. 22 - 25 Dec 2023
Escaping Pair-Instability Supernova with the help of Dark Matter, Raghav Narasimha, Della Vincent, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at "2nd Electronic Conference on Universe", hosted by MDPI, 16 Feb - 02 Mar 2023
Mergers and tidal breakups of binary systems of primordial DM planets with baryon admixture and emission of Gravitational waves, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., Presented at "2nd Electronic Conference on Universe", hosted by MDPI, 16 Feb - 02 Mar 2023
Implications of Modified Newtonian Gravity (MONG) for Baryonic Matter Abundance, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at "2nd Electronic Conference on Universe", hosted by MDPI, 16 Feb - 02 Mar 2023
Testing quantum effects of gravity and dark energy at laboratory scales, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, A. Prasad, Presented at "2nd Electronic Conference on Universe", hosted by MDPI, 16 Feb - 02 Mar 2023
Dark matter admixture and its consequences, Arun Kenath, Invited Talk at "Eighth Southern Regional Astronomy Meeting", hosted by Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, 17 -19 Feb 2023
Tidal Forces arising from MONG on dwarf galaxies in the Fornax Cluster, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at "Eighth Southern Regional Astronomy Meeting", hosted by Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, 17 -19 Feb 2023
Energetics of primordial planets composed of DM, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., Presented at "Eighth Southern Regional Astronomy Meeting", hosted by Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, 17 -19 Feb 2023
Gammaless GRBs?, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “40th Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India”, hosted by IIT-Roorkee and ARIES, 25-29 Mar 2022
Baryonic matter abundance and MONG, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at “40th Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India”, hosted by IIT-Roorkee and ARIES, 25-29 Mar 2022
Galaxy formation in Early Universe, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., Presented at 40th Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India”, hosted by IIT-Roorkee and ARIES, 25-29 Mar 2022
Possible Alternate Scenario for short Duration GRBs, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “21st National Space Science Symposium (NSSS)”, hosted by IISER Kolkata, through Microsoft Teams, 31 Jan-4 Feb 2022
Modification of Newtonian Gravity: Consequences for dynamics of large-scale structures, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at “21st National Space Science Symposium (NSSS)”, hosted by IISER Kolkata, through Microsoft Teams, 31 Jan-4 Feb 2022
Theoretical upper limits on gamma factors in high energy astrophysical processes, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “International Webinar On Foundations for Contemporary Mathematical Research”, hosted by Manipur University, through WebEx, 8-10 Nov 2021
Some Modified Theories Of Gravity: Consequences For Cosmological Phenomena, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at “International Webinar On Foundations for Contemporary Mathematical Research”, hosted by Manipur University, through WebEx, 8-10 Nov 2021
Modelling the spread of Corona virus, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at International Webinar On Foundations for Contemporary Mathematical Research”, hosted by Manipur University, through WebEx, 8-10 Nov 2021
Gravity of Negative Mass: Some Subtle Aspects and Implications, Arun Kenath, A. Prasad, C. Sivaram, Presented at 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Advances in Relativity and Cosmology (PARC-2021)”, hosted by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, through Google Meet, 26-28 Oct 2021
Can Hubble tension be eased by invoking a finite range for gravity?, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Advances in Relativity and Cosmology (PARC-2021)”, hosted by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, through Google Meet, 26-28 Oct 2021
Dark Matter primordial planets admixed with Baryonic particles, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., Presented at 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Advances in Relativity and Cosmology (PARC-2021)”, hosted by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, through Google Meet, 26-28 Oct 2021
Laboratory scale quantum effects of gravity and dark energy, Arun Kenath, A. Prasad,  C. Sivaram, Presented at “Seventh Regional Astronomy Meeting, Research in Astronomy: Opportunities and Challenges”, through Google Meet, 8-10 Sept 2021
Some consequences of a time varying cosmological constant for structure formation at higher red shifts, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at “Seventh Regional Astronomy Meeting, Research in Astronomy: Opportunities and Challenges”, through Google Meet, 8-10 Sept 2021
Nuclear detonation around compact dark matter planets, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., Presented at Seventh Regional Astronomy Meeting, Research in Astronomy: Opportunities and Challenges”, through Google Meet, 8-10 Sept 2021
Alternate models of gravity: Consequences for cosmological observations, Arun Kenath, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Presented at “International Webinar on Recent Developments in Cosmology and Modified Gravity (RDCM-2021)”, hosted by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, through Google Meet, 9-11 Mar 2021
Dark matter conundrum: A case for alternate theories of gravity, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “International Webinar on Recent Developments in Cosmology and Modified Gravity (RDCM-2021)”, hosted by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, through Google Meet, 9-11 Mar 2021
Planet Nine – Primordial black hole or a Dark Matter object: A comparative study, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Presented at “39th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, hosted by ICTS - TIFR Bengaluru, IISER Mohali, IIT Indore and IUCAA Pune, 18 - 23 Feb 2021
Modification of Newtonian Gravity: An extension to Galaxy Clusters, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “39th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, hosted by ICTS - TIFR Bengaluru, IISER Mohali, IIT Indore and IUCAA Pune, 18 - 23 Feb 2021
Dark matter primordial planets: Effects of baryonic admixture, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., Presented at “39th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, hosted by ICTS - TIFR Bengaluru, IISER Mohali, IIT Indore and IUCAA Pune, 18 - 23 Feb 2021
The Hubble tension: Change in dark energy or a case for modified gravity?, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Louise Rebecca, Presented at “Sixth Regional Astronomy Meeting, Research in Astronomy: Opportunities and Challenges”, through Google Meet, 9-10 Jul 2020
Time varying cosmological constant and its implications for structure formation, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at “Sixth Regional Astronomy Meeting, Research in Astronomy: Opportunities and Challenges”, through Google Meet, 9-10 Jul 2020
Studies on Dark Matter Planets and their Evolution, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at “Sixth Regional Astronomy Meeting, Research in Astronomy: Opportunities and Challenges”, through Google Meet, 9-10 Jul 2020
Is the Binding Energy of Galaxies related to their Core Black Hole Mass?, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “38th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, IISER Tirupati, 13 - 17 Feb 2020
Planckian pre big bang phase of the Universe, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “38th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, IISER Tirupati, 13 - 17 Feb 2020
Evolution of Primordial Dark Matter Planets in the Early Universe, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “38th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, IISER Tirupati, 13 - 17 Feb 2020
Alternate to Dark Matter: MOND, MONG, or MORG, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, C. Sivaram, Presented at “37th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, 18 - 22 Feb 2019
Dark matter Density Distributions and Dark Energy Constraints on Structure Formation, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at “37th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, 18 - 22 Feb 2019
Planet Nine: Testing ground for Dark Matter and Alternate Models, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Presented at “37th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India”, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, 18 - 22 Feb 2019
Alternate Models to Dark Matter: MOND, MONG or MORG, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, C. Sivaram, Presented at 30th meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation – New Eras in Cosmology and Multi-messenger Astronomy", BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, 3-5 Jan 2019
Effects of dark matter in star formation and evolution in the early universe, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, C. Sivaram, Presented at the International Cosmology Conference on Post Planck Cosmology: Enigma Challenges and Visions", IUCAA, Pune, 9-12 Oct 2017
Alternate Models to Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, C. Sivaram, Presented at the 35th Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India", Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur, 6-10 Mar 2017
On the Surface Temperatures and Lifetimes of the most Luminous Main Sequence Stars and Stellar Remnants, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Presented at the 6th Annual Conference of Karnataka Science and Technology Academy", Christ University, Bangalore, 20-21 Dec 2013
Possible Upper limits on Lorentz Factors in High Energy Astrophysical Processes, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at the “98th Indian Science Congress", SRM University, Chennai, 3-7 Jan 2011
New Class of Dark Matter Objects and their Detection, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at the 98th Indian Science Congress", SRM University, Chennai, 3-7 Jan 2011
Thermal Gravitational Waves, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at the “27th Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India", Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 18-20 Feb 2009
Some Aspects of Intermediate mass black holes, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Presented at the 27th Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India", Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, 18-20 Feb 2009
Some Aspects of Primordial Nucleosynthesis, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Presented at the Workshop on Stellar Nucleosynthesis, Kodaikanal Observatory, Kodaikanal, 2008
Phase Space Constraints on Neutrino Luminosities, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Samartha, C.A., Presented at the International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA 2007), Taipei, Taiwan, 13-15 Nov 2007


The Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna: Mission Studies and Science Case, P. Ajith, ..., Arun Kenath, et al., arXiv:2404.09181 [gr-qc], 14 April 2024
MOND, MONG and the Oort cloud, C. Sivaram, Kiren O.V., Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, doi:10.20944/preprints202401.1126.v1, 15 January 2024
Is Asteroid 33 Polyhymnia a Dark Matter (DM) Degenerate Object?, Kiren O.V., C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, doi:10.20944/preprints202401.0909.v1, 11 January 2024
Interacting Dark Energy Models and Structure Formations in Early Universe, Pradosh Keshav, Arun Kenath,, 17 November 2023
Psychological Experiences and Travel Adversities: A Mixed-Method Study of the Regular Commuters in Traffic Congestion, Maria Liya, Santhosh Rajan, Arun Kenath,, 2 May, 2023
MONG: An extension to galaxy clusters, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, arXiv:2205.12793 [gr-qc], 25 May 2022
The Hubble tension: Change in dark energy or a case for modified gravity?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Louise Rebecca, arXiv:2205.14010v1 [physics.gen-ph], 16 May 2022 
Evolution of Primordial Dark Matter Planets in the Early Universe, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, arXiv:2205.13386 [physics.gen-ph], 16 May 2022
From maximum force to the field equations of general relativity – and implications, Arun Kenath, C. Schiller, C. Sivaram, arXiv:2205.06302 [gr-qc], 12 May 2022
From Maximal Force to the Field Equations of General Relativity, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, C. Schiller, doi:10.20944/preprints202109.0318.v1, 17 September 2021
Primordial Planets with an Admixture of Dark Matter Particles and Baryonic Matter, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, Paul K.T., doi:10.20944/preprints202109.0086.v1, 6 September 2021
Can Hubble Tension Be Eased by Invoking a Finite Range for Gravity?, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, doi:10.20944/preprints202108.0538.v1, 30 August 2021
Testing Quantum Effects of Gravity and Dark Energy at Laboratory Scales, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, A. Prasad, doi:10.20944/preprints202105.0420.v1, 18 May 2021
Time Varying Cosmological Constant and Its Implications for Structure Formation, Louise Rebecca, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0620.v1, 22 April 2021
Multifrequency Gravitational Wave Background From Continuous Sources, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, doi:10.20944/preprints202101.0386.v1, 19 January 2021
The Nonagenarian Neutrino, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., doi:10.20944/preprints202101.0069.v1, 5 January 2021
MONG: An extension to Galaxy Clusters, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, doi:10.20944/preprints202012.0743.v1, 30 December 2020
Effects of Dark Matter in Red Giants, Clea Sunny, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, S.B. Gudennavar, arXiv:2009.04302 [astro-ph.SR], 9 September 2020
Evolution of Primordial Dark Matter Planets in the Early Universe, Kiren O.V., Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, doi:10.20944/preprints202008.0188.v1, 7 August 2020
The Hubble Tension: Change in Dark Energy or a Case for Modified Gravity?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Louise Rebecca, doi:10.20944/preprints202008.0183.v1, 7 August 2020
Non-Detection of Dark Matter Particles: A Case for Alternate Theories of Gravity, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, A. Prasad, Louise Rebecca, doi:10.20944/preprints202006.0239.v1, 19 June 2020
Universality of Mass to Area Ratio: from Biological to Astronomical Structures, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., doi:10.20944/preprints202006.0217.v1, 17 June 2020
Discrepancy in the Upper Bound Mass of Neutron Stars, Sandeep S. Kumar, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, arXiv:1902.08618 [astro-ph.HE], 22 February 2019 
Effects of dark matter in star formation, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, A. Prasad, C. Sivaram, arXiv:1902.01815 [astro-ph.CO], 5 February 2019
Dark Energy Constraints on Masses and Sizes of Large Scale Cosmic Structures, Louise Rebecca, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, arXiv:1806.07706 [physics.gen-ph], 15 June 2018
Alternates Models to Dark Energy, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, A. Prasad, C. Sivaram, arXiv:1708.09269 [physics.gen-ph], 21 August 2017
Alternative Standard Frequencies for Interstellar Communication, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., arXiv:1707.09259 [physics.pop-ph], 26 July 2017
Dark Matter, dark energy, and alternate models: A Review, Arun Kenath, S.B. Gudennavar, C. Sivaram, arXiv:1704.06155 [physics.gen-ph], 14 April 2017
Small Neutrino Masses: Another Anthropic principle aspect?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., arXiv: 1604.06897v1 [physics.gen-ph], 21 April 2016
Primordial Black Holes as Heat Sources for Living Systems with Longest Possible Lifetimes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., arXiv:1412.4015v1 [physics.gen-ph], 14 February 2014
Gravity of Accelerations on Quantum Scales and its Consequences, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., B.N. Sreenath, arXiv: 1402.5071v1 [physics.gen-ph], 18 December 2013
Some consequences of a Universal Tension arising from Dark Energy for structures from Atomic Nuclei to Galaxy Clusters, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., arXiv:1310.0295v1 [physics.gen-ph], 28 August 2013
Holography, Dark Energy and Entropy of Large Cosmic Structures, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1303.4363v1 [physics.gen-ph], 15 March 2013
Is there Lower Limit to Velocity or Velocity Change?, B.N. Sreenath, Arun Kenath, C. Sivaram, arXiv: 1209.3765 [physics.gen-ph], 17 September 2012
Extended Equivalence Principle: Implications for Gravity, Geometry and Thermodynamics, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1205.4624v1 [physics.gen-ph], 17 May 2012
On a minimum Column Density for Massive Star Formation, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1205.4623v1 [physics.gen-ph], 13 February 2012
Some Unique Constants Associated with Extremal Black Holes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1202.1275v1 [physics.gen-ph], 4 February 2012
Hydrodynamics, Vortices and Angular Momenta of Celestial Objects, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1202.1513v1 [physics.gen-ph], 30 November 2011
Primordial Rotation of the Universe and Angular Momentum of a wide range of Celestial Objects, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1111.3873v1 [physics.gen-ph], 2 November 2011
Some more Exotic Dark Matter Candidates: GUT Balls, Fermi Balls..., C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1109.5266v1 [physics.gen-ph], 24 September 2011
Dieterici gas as a Unified Model for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, R. Nagaraja, arXiv:1102.1598v1 [physics.gen-ph] (astro-ph.CO), 8 February 2011
Enigmatic Aspects of the Early Universe: Possibility of a ‘Pre-Big Bang Phase’!, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1012.5608v1 [physics.gen-ph], 27 December 2010
A Critique of Drexler Dark Matter, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, R. Nagaraja, arXiv:1011.5733v1 [physics.gen-ph], 26 November 2010
Double Detonation of Sub-Chandrasekhar White Dwarfs and Subluminous Type Ia Supernovae, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1010.5151v1 [astro-ph.SR], 25 October 2010
Gamma Ray Burst triggering Supernova Explosion (and other effects on neighbouring stars), C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1009.5550v1 [physics.gen-ph], 28 September 2010
Possible Upper limits on Lorentz Factors in High Energy Astrophysical Processes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1008.5312v1 [physics.gen-ph], 31 August 2010
Can Population III Stars at High Redshifts produce GRB’s?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1008.4052v1 [physics.gen-ph], 24 August 2010
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Primordial Black holes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1006.5342v1 [physics.gen-ph], 28 June 2010
Is the Binding Energy of Galaxies related to their Core Black Hole Mass?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1006.5191v1 [physics.gen-ph], 27 June 2010
Thermal Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Holes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1005.3431v1 [physics.gen-ph], 19 May 2010
Bounds on Photon Charge from Evaporation of Massive Black Holes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1003.3818v1 [physics.gen-ph], 19 March 2010
Charged Black Holes and Constraints on Baryon Asymmetry, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1003.1667v1 [physics.gen-ph], 8 March 2010
Some Aspects of Rotational and Magnetic Energies for a Hierarchy of Celestial Objects, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:1002.1770v1 [astro-ph.CO], 9 February 2010
Dark Energy, Inertia and Mach’s Principle, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0912.3049v1 [astro-ph.CO], 16 December 2009
Gammaless GRB’s?, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0911.2747v1 [astro-ph.CO], 14 November 2009
Possible Alternate Scenario for short Duration GRBs, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0911.1823v1 [astro-ph.CO], 10 November 2009
New Class of Dark Matter Objects and their Detection, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0910.2306v1 [astro-ph.CO], 13 October 2009
Curvature, Phase Space, Holography and Black Hole Entropy, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0905.4335 [astro-ph.CO], 27 May 2009
Relativistic Jets from Black Holes: A Unified Picture, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0903.4005v1 [astro-ph.HE], 24 March 2009
A Brief Overview of the Major Contribution to Physics by Landau, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0902.2608 [physics.gen-ph], 16 February 2009
Gravitational Effects of Weak Interactions at TeV Energies, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arxiv:0810.4615v1 [physics.gen-ph], 25 October 2008
Some Enigmatic Aspects of the Early Universe III, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arxiv:0809.3059v1 [astro-ph], 18 September 2008
Some Enigmatic Aspects of the Early Universe II, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Venkata Manohara Reddy A, arxiv:0806.4023v1 [astro-ph], 25 June 2008
Some Enigmatic Aspects of the Early Universe, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Venkata Manohara Reddy A, arxiv:0804.2637v1 [astro-ph], 16 April 2008
Some Additional Bounds on the Photon Charge, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arxiv:0802.1562v1 [astro-ph], 12 February 2008
Some Aspects of Intermediate mass black holes, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0709.4597 [astro-ph], 28 September 2007
Thermal gravitational waves, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, arXiv:0708.3343 [astro-ph], 24 August 2007
Phase Space Constraints on Neutrino Luminosities, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Samartha, C.A., arXiv:0706.4355 [astro-ph], 29 June 2007


Dyson Spheres and the Light Curve of Star KIC 8462852, C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Kiren O.V., Cosmology – News and Science, 2015
Astrochemistry: An Overview, Arun Kenath, Lumiere, 2012, p. 44
Balancing Conservation and Scientific Development, Arun Kenath, Lumiere, 2011, p. 59 
When the sunlit sky goes dark..., C. Sivaram, Arun Kenath, Deccan Herald, July 21 2009, pp. 3
International year of Astronomy: 2009, Arun Kenath, Lumiere, 2009, p.55
Some Aspects of Binary Compact Astrophysical Objects, Arun Kenath, Mapana, Journal of Science, Christ University, Bangalore, 7 (1), 64, 2008
Tidal Force of Black Holes, Arun Kenath, Samartha, C.A., Mapana, Journal of Science, Christ University, Bangalore, 5 (1), 54, 2006
Kerr Black Holes and Jets, Arun Kenath, Samartha, C.A., K.A. Chrandrashekaran, Mapana, Journal of Science, Christ University, Bangalore, 4 (2), 67, 2005
Special Theory of Relativity, Arun Kenath, Presented at Christ College, lecture series to commemorate ‘The International Year of Physics’, 2005 
Philosophy of Quantum Physics, Arun Kenath, Presented at Bondade Memorial Lecture organised by Indian Physics Association (Bangalore Chapter), 2004