Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (CS5691)

Jan - May 2022 | Slot G (Refer M.Tech. / M.Sc. / M.S. / Ph.D.Calendar)|

  • The IITM CSE course page for this course is here

  • The first day handout for the course is here

  • The moodle page for this course is here.

    • If you are crediting this course and have not been enrolled in the moodle group under my name yet, send me an email.

  • If you are a student attending the classes and wish to communicate (anonymous) feedback at any point during the course, feel free to fill out this form.

Important Dates:

Mini Quiz 1 28/01/2022 Due: 28/01/2022

Assignment 1 11/02/2022 Due: 28/02/2022

Mini Quiz 2 25/02/2022 Due: 25/02/2022

Assignment 2 04/03/2022 Due: 20/03/2022

Mini Quiz 3 01/04/2022 Due: 01/04/2022

Assignment 3 04/04/2022 Due: 31/04/2022

Final Exam 29/04/2022

Grading Policy:

Assignments 3*15 = 45

Mini Quiz 3*5 = 15

Final Exam 1*40 = 40

Academic Honesty:

Needless to say, academic honesty is expected from every participant. Any academic violation will be handled by the IITM Senate Discipline and Welfare (DISCO) Committee.

Lectures - Please check Moodle


We will not follow any specific single textbook for the course. However, the following are relevant references.

[1] Linear Algebra and its Applications by Gilbert Strang.

[2] Probability and Random Processes by Grimmett & Stirzaker.

[3] Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop.

[4] Mathematics for Machine Learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth,