Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (CS5691)
Jan - May 2022 | Slot G (Refer M.Tech. / M.Sc. / M.S. / Ph.D.Calendar)|
The IITM CSE course page for this course is here
The first day handout for the course is here
The moodle page for this course is here.
If you are crediting this course and have not been enrolled in the moodle group under my name yet, send me an email.
If you are a student attending the classes and wish to communicate (anonymous) feedback at any point during the course, feel free to fill out this form.
Important Dates:
Mini Quiz 1 28/01/2022 Due: 28/01/2022
Assignment 1 11/02/2022 Due: 28/02/2022
Mini Quiz 2 25/02/2022 Due: 25/02/2022
Assignment 2 04/03/2022 Due: 20/03/2022
Mini Quiz 3 01/04/2022 Due: 01/04/2022
Assignment 3 04/04/2022 Due: 31/04/2022
Final Exam 29/04/2022
Grading Policy:
Assignments 3*15 = 45
Mini Quiz 3*5 = 15
Final Exam 1*40 = 40
Academic Honesty:
Needless to say, academic honesty is expected from every participant. Any academic violation will be handled by the IITM Senate Discipline and Welfare (DISCO) Committee.
Lectures - Please check Moodle
We will not follow any specific single textbook for the course. However, the following are relevant references.
[1] Linear Algebra and its Applications by Gilbert Strang.
[2] Probability and Random Processes by Grimmett & Stirzaker.
[3] Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop.
[4] Mathematics for Machine Learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth,