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I ask this question as I really do like the music from OLTA, but the imagery that is now stuck in my head is really...naturey. The album cover definitely changes the entire theme of the album for me, and I feel that it doesn't fit in with the rest of the other albums' urban city themes. Am I a nutjob? What do you guys think about the artwork?

Artwork Your Love Mp3 Download

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The Marcus Ashley Gallery is known for supporting local, national, and international artists with great enthusiasm. Fans and newcomers will enjoy exploring Fabio Napoleoni art in particular that never fails to unearth feelings of hope, love, and joy.

In Surrounded By Your Love, Napoleoni paints Marcenivo doing a little victory dance in the company of several red hearts (one sits in a Radio Flyer wagon, inspired by a child he once saw at the hospital in a similar ride). Every heart represents the love that Napoleoni has nurtured for his daughter, who had to endure several heart surgeries growing up.

Yvonne Coomber Art is happy to send artwork overseas. We will handle all aspects of international shipping and customs, giving you a completely hassle-free delivery. The artwork is professionally packaged and sent to you via dedicated couriers and is fully insured and trackable.

My deep sense that all of this was created by a loving Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ out of love for each of us, fills me with such gratitude and humility that I keep pushing forward, hoping that I will someday create work that will help others feel Their love as well. My skills may not be there yet, but I am determined to accomplish that goal.

The cooler colors of the cave walls contrasted beautifully with the warmer tones in their faces and the straw I planned to add to the manger, so I played with lavender and blue dry brushed strokes to give the semblance of rough tumbled stones to further contrast with the soft expression of love.

Merry Christmas!! What a lovely painting!! The love of God is expressed deep within each of us, as well it is displayed throughout the universe, in my humble opinion. To capture even a portion of this on canvas is a tremendous talent that demonstrates the heart. Thank you for sharing and may the world truly find peace and true agape love.

Your painting is wonderful! I appreciate your testimony to Jesus. It means a lot to me to me to be associated with a family of faith. My church maybe different From yours, but we share a love for Jesus. Merry Christmas.

Tome this s the most inspiring painting I have ever seen of Mary and Joseph, You have captured so well the feeling and the event of that wonderful day when our Savior was born! The painting along with your testimony has moved me to tears. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this. You are a most giving person!

Bill, I think your painting is very special and it has a beautiful feeling of hope. Thank you for your story of the technical aspects of painting an iconic image. Just wonderful. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

You have captured the love that Mary and Joseph shared in a beautiful and moving way! Having never consummated their union, this painting shows their deep and innocent love for each other and their precious holy child. There can be no doubt of that love as you have portrayed it. May you and your family have a blessed Christmas as you celebrate the recent birth of your own little baby granddaughter.

Bill: Thank you for sharing your beautiful nativity painting and your story behind it. I can feel the love and emotion that emanates from this moment; it makes me want to drop to my knees in prayer. I feel grateful to be associated with an instructor who glorifies our Lord through beautiful works. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Bill, thank you for sharing this painting and your story! It is breath-takingly beautiful! You truly have a God-given gift of art, and the humility of a faithful servant in His service. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

As a teenager, I went to work at Legacy Gallery, the Scottsdale, AZ gallery where my father was showing his work. There, I started to learn the business. In the beginning, I was working in the background doing the shipping and receiving, cleaning, installing artwork, but what an eye-opening experience it was to see art coming into the gallery and then seeing collectors fall in love with it and buy it.

Great article! I am an artist in California, and I all I can say is I was born this way. At an early age I was drawing, muraling with crayolas on the walls, and expressing my feelings. I was influenced by other artists who took the time to develop a scene as opposed to the raw emotion I was expressing. Now, my love of art is a combination of both raw emotion, a cry to save our natural world and the planet, and the skill to paint the messages exploding inside of me. I do not have a degree in art, but rather 70 years of painting from the heart and a lot of experimentation.

I love the Buffalo Bill Historic Center! I lived in Cody for two years and spent hours exploring the art and historical displays. I was fortunate enough to meet artist James Bama at one of his shows. He was a phenomenal realist.

Allura, your post resonates with me. Sitting and pondering, and knowing cats were sent to assist, has always been a positive factor in my art life. My website now points to my Amazon Author Profile, but some of my paintings (and some cats!) are visible on my Facebook social page Rlb Hartmann.

Over the years of reading your blogs I have read other articles on this theme and have lived them all because you so eloquently put into words the passion I too have felt for art all of my life. Thank you for sharing this.

By far my most favorite article of yours Jason dear.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story from every corner of yours!

Your generosity, your openness, and and and many more to count.. is unmatched!



I am so glad you are around, You have helped and are helping me, now along the way. I have always strived to do as well as my brother and father and have had it pressed into my head that I have no talent by my mother. It has been hard to overcome. You are helping. This week I sold a painting I had consigned to the heap but which I loved, (My word for old paintings that I lost faith in) Not only that, it was a figural painting, This type of painting I believed was beyond my scope now, but I guess that is not so. Keep inspiring because you are helping others.


Your expression about art & your involvement with it was uplifting. It had me reflecting on my own journey as an artist & the personal satisfaction I derive from it both as viewer & creator. The article conjured in my memory the day I stood in front of a Raoul Duffy seascape at MOMA in NYC. I was mesmerized. From that moment I decided to start painting myself and never looked back. The immediate, cathartic experience of both viewing &/or creating art cannot in my opinion be equalled by any other genre of expression.

You do not bother me at all, it is good that you show your way of thinking, I agree not to compare with other artists, but I agree to learn and imitate the work of other artists, I do and practice this and I can testify that it is a good Practice to develop myself more as artists, of course, the goal is not to look like another artist but to learn from his experience and add him to my art style.

Join us in spreading the love with our annual tradition, Hearts for Art! From February 10-14, celebrate your love of art by placing a heart-shaped Valentine in front of your favorite artworks in the galleries.

In the first real story I wrote, about Zoe, my dead half-sister, and how little she had thought about me, I was tussling with the unevenness of love. How someone so significant in my life could have seen me as so inconsequential. I did not know, in writing Desire, that I was writing the same story. But stories are built, constructed. A writer decides the scope, the parameters. We zoom in on our preoccupations. Stories can never contain everything. ff782bc1db

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