Arts Entrepreneurship
Royal Conservatoire Antwerp
The Arts Entrepreneurship course is part of the creative curriculum at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, together with subjects such as Artist in Society and Creative Project.
The course focuses on developing the musician's artistic identity and entrepreneurial skills, awareness of current developments in society, providing legal knowledge, understanding tools such as business models and social media, networking and finding opportunities for future artistic practices.
teacher: Jeroen Malaise |
section chair creative enterprise
sessions 2024-25
Since we work with external partners and guest speakers, changes to this schedule are possible during the academic year. Each session will be announced in time with a digitap message.
The sessions will take place at various locations: Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, Academy of Fine Arts and University of Antwerp.
Jeroen Malaise | Introduction part 1 | Wed 13 November 2024 - 19:00-21:00 | witte zaal
Robin Goossens | How to curate an ensemble | Wed 20 November 2024 - 19:00-21:00 | witte zaal
Frederik Meeuwis | copyright | Wed 4 December 2024 - 19:00-21:00 | witte zaal
Cristal Fernandes & Joanna Britton | pitching & branding part 1 | Wed 11 December - 19:00-21:00 | gele zaal
Jeroen Malaise | Soft Skills | Alumni Alex Smith | Wed 29 January 2025 19:00 - 21:00 | witte zaal
Jeroen Malaise | Q&A | Wed 12 February 2025 19:00 - 21:00 | witte zaal
Cristal Fernandes | pitching & branding part 2 | Wed 12 March - 19:00-21:00 | gele zaal
Femke Hintjens | Flanders Arts Institute | Wed 2 April 2025 - 19:00-21:00 | witte zaal
Greet Vandenbulcke | social media | Wed 23 April- 19:00-20:30 |witte zaal
Vincent Van den Bossche | Subsidies | Wed 30 April 2024 - 19:30-21:00 | gele zaal
Frederike Van Lindt | Cultuurloket | Wed 14 May 2024 - 19:15-21:00 | witte zaal
Sébastien Bours & Nena Langloh | PlayRight | alumna Emma Wills | Wed 21 May - 19:00-21:00 | witte zaal
Jeroen Malaise | Q&A | Fri 23 May 2025 14:00 - 16:00 | room 58
TAKEOFFANTWERP | Tue 14 October 2024 pm | Trix | subscribe!
Workshop finance and funding (ENG) | Wed 6 November 2024 | Rodestraat 2000 Antwerpen | subscribe
What's Next: Frederike Van Lindt, Cultuurloket | Wed 16 October 2024, 19:00-21:00 | campus Academy of Fine Arts: Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerpen | Aula Pand
What's Next: Ariadna Estalella Allba (NICC): Sociaal engagement en welzijn kunstenaars | Wed 12 february 2025, 19:00-21:00 | campus Academy of Fine Arts: Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerpen | Aula Pand – TE BEVESTIGEN
What's Next: Walter Van Andel: Cultureel ondernemerschap en innovatie | Wed 19 March 2025, 19:00-21:00, 19:00-21:00 | campus Academy of Fine Arts: Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerpen | Aula Pand
What's Next: Kunstenpunt: Residenties en netwerken | Aula Pand | Wed 23 April 2025, 19:00-21:00 | campus Academy of Fine Arts: Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerpen | Aula Pand
What's Next: Subsidies (Alex Mallems, JINT, Fameus) | Aula Pand | Tue 6 May 2025, 19:00-21:00 | campus Academy of Fine Arts: Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerpen | Aula Pand
What's Next: Subsidies (Alex Mallems, JINT, Fameus) | Aula Pand | Tue 6 May 2025, 19:00-21:00 | campus Academy of Fine Arts: Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerpen | Aula Pand
University of Antwerp - Cultural Management: Cultural Entrepreneurship and Innovation ( Topics: business models, innovation, start-up, design thinking, networking and social innovation) | prof. dr. Walter van Andel Each monday from 10 february to 31 march 2025, 13u00 - 16u30 | Prinsstraat 13, 200 Antwerpen (room S.C.101) | to sign up: mail
Sign up for a trajectory to create a buisinessplan of your own project in collaboration with students from the Management of Culture at University of Antwerp. Presentation of results: Mon 24 March 2025, 13:00-15:00 (to be confirmed). Participation in this project is equivalent to 3 sessions.
study guide, course contents, evaluation
The Arts Entrepreneurship course focusses on the entrepreneurial mindset and the artsitic identity of an artist-musician in training. Creating and finding opportunities and to realize, expand and maintain practices requires specific skills: creativity, inventivity, communication, organization and developing clear artistic ideas. Whether one is setting up an own business, or working within an existing structure such as a collective, orchestra or educational institute, or with a combination of different artistic activities, the challenges are often similar. Since every artist is different, this also means that each one has to develop an individual and unique approach. The creative process of an artist involves discovering one's value(s), developing an artistic persona and being one's own curator to become successful in the creative industries. Whether one is an artist-entrepreneur, or an artist with some understandings of entrepreneurial activities, there are many benefits to developing a skillset for building future artistic practices.
The Arts Entrepreneurship course explores specific areas that are important in creative entrepreneurship, with the following topics being the most essential. Click on the links to find out more on interesting external platforms.
artistic value & artistic identity
keypartners & residencies
practical & technical knowledge
Some artists are familiar with an approach in which art meets business, others tend to only focus on the artistic activities. But in fact it is the same domain, the difference is in the point of view from which it is seen. As an artist, it is interesting to regularly reflect on one's own specific role in the process of creating art, and at the same time to get a clear overview of all the actions that go into creating an artistic project.
The following summary gives an example of a possible project process seen from the creating artist's point of view, not necessarily in the exact order since each step can be revised and affect the other steps. A real-time experience in a graduation project is the best way to shape unique artistic practices and gain experience. Regular research activities will better place the concept in a contemporary social context.
creating idea(s)
concept design
pitch activities
project plan
realization of the project
The following outcome objectives are essential in a business process and emphasize the entrepreneurial side of an artistic process:
setting the objectives with a creative and innovative approach
cohesiveness of the concept business potential
visually engaging presentation(s) and professionality of communication
market research and situation analysis
contracts and legals
Evaluation at the end of the academic year is based on three different topics. Templates are available on the AP Online Portfolio (see instruction video).
Profile page of the online portfolio. Visualize your own artistic profile in text, images and embedded media.
Short reflection of each session attended (evaluation only possible in first exam round). The most important aspect in the reflections is the applicability in one's own future artistic practice. See template in the Online Portfolio.
Case study on how one (individually or in group) can set the outlines for a (virtual) project or career plan, keeping in mind the most essential topics of the Arts Entrepreneurship course. See Case Study template in the Online Portfolio.
Case study formats:
career plan: develop a long-term career plan, including key steps and main actions.
business: develop a business plan for an ensemble, band, production house, maker platform, etc.
project plan: develop a business model to set up and launch a project.
micro-credential Cultural Management - University of Antwerp
deadline subscription: 7 October 2024
Micro-credentials Cultural Management
Inleiding tot de Bedrijfskunde | NED | semester 1 | 3 credits | voorbeeldrooster
Inleiding tot de Financiële Verslaggeving | NED | semester 1 | 3 credits | voorbeeldrooster
Cultural Entrepreneurship and Innovation | ENG |prof. dr. Walter van Andel | Dates & location: Mondays from 10 february to 31 march 2025, 13u30 - 16u30. Topics: business models, innovation, start-up, design thinking, networking and social innovation.
professional advice in Flanders
Flanders Arts Institute | 'morning coffee' advice moments | Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 | online/zoom
partners, links & platforms
Flanders Arts Institute (Kunstenpunt)
right is right (juist is juist)
PEARLE (European employers federation for live performances)