
IG @yetyart

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Yety è una delle figure chiave della street art di Wilhelmshaven, dove si è trasferito dopo avere vissuto in varie città della Gran Bretagna, e poi Bonn, Amburgo e aver studiato alla European Art Academy di Trier.

Il suo nickname deriva dalla misterioso uomo delle nevi, un essere delle montagne e delle foreste, sulla cui esistenza molto si è raccontato. Una creatura schiva, che dai suoi nascondigli osserva gli esseri umani, intenti a distruggere ogni ecosistema.

Yety lavora principalmente con gli stencil, che disegna al computer o a mano, ritaglia e trasferisce su tela.

Dal 2013 ha spostato il suo studio nella “Alte Molke” di Wilhelmshaven, dove ha organizzato e curato diverse mostre (“Graffiti: Property damage? Yety & friends nel 2014, “Painting Black” nel 2017) che hanno costruito una piattaforma di incontro e collaborazione per tutti gli street artists della città.

Yety is one of the cornerstones of current street art in Wilhelmshaven. Born in the city on the Jadebusen, but grew up in Great Britain and Bonn, he spent most of his life here. Yety recently lived in Hamburg for some time, in the end he returned to his hometown ... His nickname really derives from those fabulous creatures from the snow and the forests whose existence is more suspected than is known. Rather shy in contact with the world, these creatures from self-protection tend to be observers of human activities that endanger the world. He mainly works with “stencils”, which he designs himself on the computer or freehand, cuts out and transfers onto the canvas with spray paint. From 2012 - 2013 he studied at the European Art Academy in Trier, dropped out and started painting on the street again. At the end of 2013 he moved into his studio in the "Alte Molke" in Wilhelmshaven. Here he organized one of his first joint exhibitions in 2014: “Graffiti = property damage? Yety & friends ”, on which he offered many graffiti artists from Wilhelmshaven a platform other than the street.

In 2017 the exhibition "Painting Black" followed ...

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