Tora Aghabayova

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Tora Aghabayova nasce nel 1979 a Baku, in Azerbaijan, al tempo ancora parte dell’Unione Sovietica. Si diploma in Pittura all’Accademia di Stato nel 2002, seguendo i dettami del Realismo Socialista, ma si fa notare soprattutto per le sue performance e le sue produzioni di video arte che vengono percepite dalle autorità come troppo “selvagge”.

Nel 2009 si trasferisce a Shangai e qui la sua educazione estetica di impronta sovietica si scontra con quella del mondo sfrenatamente capitalista e con il gusto orientale. Ne deriva uno stile personalissimo che Tora elabora nella sua pittura ad olio. Il virtuosismo della tecnica appresa negli anni dell’Accademia diventa strumento non più di propaganda, ma di satira politica, critica surreale, sogno. Un Realismo non più socialista, ma magico, che l’ha portata a esporre in tutta Europa.

Dal 2013 si trasferisce a Berlino, aprendo il suo atelier nel centro di produzione artistica Bethanien Kunstquartier.

Tora Aghabayova was born in 1979, in Baku, Azerbaijan, when it was a part of the Soviet Union. She studied fine art since an early age and it was a great escape from the late-Soviet and post-Soviet realities.

Being a university art student in the 90s, Tora – together with her brother and her friend Ali Hasanov – were taking part in performances, that were considered too “wild” for the public, yet somehow she continued to get away with it. Then, in 2002 Tora graduated from art academy with a masters degree in Fine Art Painting. During this time, she continued to follow curiosity by also producing video art back.

In 2006, Tora went to live in Shanghai and all of her Soviet aesthetics and new world’s capitalist consumer culture – along with a strong touch of Orient – melted together and so her social realism painting began. Tora returned to Baku in 2009 and began painting. Tora’s works were exhibited internationally. On 2013 Tora moved to Berlin and working from her studio in Kunstquartier Bethanien.

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